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FAQ # 152

QUESTION  152 :  Does this speak of a three distinct persons of a Trinity giving a blessing, “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” (Num 6:24-27)?

Just as the "Holy three times" scenario is ridiculous so is this. Suppose I say, “your boss Patricia Urb paid you, Patricia Urb gave you a bonus and Patricia Urb gave you a company car this year,” does that make three Patricia Urbs? No. But this is exactly what happened in Numbers 6:24-27. Have you ever been rebuked by your mother and she exclaims, “I’m the one who brought you in this world (gave birth), I’m the one who put clothes on your back, I’m the one who put you through school…etc.” Does this make your mother more than one? If so, then you’ve won in saying God is three persons by Numbers 6:24-27. How far will we go in trying to be convinced of an erroneous doctrine? God help us.

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