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FAQ # 159

QUESTION  159 :  Did God speak to Manoah (Judges 13:1-22) and said his name was wonderful?

NO. The context of the verse clearly showed that a name wasn't given, or just an idiomatic expression to say it is too wonderful to speak. He wasn't speaking of God's name either, for they knew God's name (Yahovah), but they were asking the name of the angel, for "Manoah knew that he was an angel of the LORD" (Judges 13:21). This is just an angel God uses as his mouth piece, similar to how prophets are used today. We try to read too much into a verse to try and find Christ when they are already thousands of verses explicitly expressing Christ plainly.

One source even says,

"And the Angel of YAHOVAH appeared...(v.3)... Behold, the Man has appeared unto me...(v.l0)...And Manoah said unto the Angel of YAHOVAH, `What is Thy Name?' (v.17). And the Angel of YAHOVAH said (v.18) 'Why askest thou thus after My Name, seeing it is Secret?' (marginal reference renders it "Wonderful").

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