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FAQ # 161

QUESTION  161 :  You contend in several FAQ’s that none saw God, but several manifestations and representations in visions, but this contradicts your notion that God is only one person, as against three in one; for you said none saw God as three but one person. Hence, the same notion that you use to say God is one by not showing himself as three to the prophets in manifestations or visions, can be used to say that God is three, seeing that none really saw God but a representation. So then one throne with some one on it called God, in a vision, could just be a representation of the three, but in reality there are three thrones with Father, Son and Holy Spirit ruling as God. Isn’t that so?

You may have a point, but a wrong point. Firstly, saying God was one by the one throne in the vision of heaven was a secondary wing point in saying God is one. We say God is one because he says so and the word says so consistently and overtly; and this is never done about an allege trinity.

Secondly, with the visions of heaven, visions are similitudes and not awkward arbitrary representations. Therefore, God would give a vision with the similitude of the thing and not something that is not, or left wanting. He would not say God is one, and put one throne for GOD in heaven and mean it is for three persons. That breaks all the rules of everything (interpretation, consistency, exegesis, laws, his character, etc).

Thirdly, Moses saw God but not his face; he couldn’t even behold his bodily form properly. So the manifestation that Moses got of God was that he actually saw God, but not his face; or “face to face”, as discussed in a previous FAQ. So he actually saw God on Mt. Sinai and God was one and not three. He even describe him a little, “And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness” (Ex 24:10). Therefore, God is not three, for if he were, they would see three persons with the “body of heaven in their clearness.”

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