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FAQ # 17

QUESTION  17 :  So why is easy ‘belief-ism alone’ so widespread?

“Easy Belief-ism” is the term many give to those who practice and preach that saying “I believe in Christ” immediately saves you; the most known corollary of this is death-bed salvation – just before death, you say a  few words in Christ’s name and you’re saved. Believe it or not this is a well-orchestrated plan by the enemy to bring in his New World Order New Ageism scheme. Satan and his cohorts didn’t just pop up one day and ‘wha-la’ the New Age is here.

It took years of false Christian teaching, discrediting those that hold to the truth, corrupt secular humanist teaching (evolution, etc), corruption in the church to cause general lack of trust, general experiments of other beliefs, mixture of eastern religions and others. Some illuminati and masons took years in planning and executing these things.

For the New World Order to be brought in, Christianity has to be silenced or destroyed. Unfortunately for them that cannot happen, not even “the gates of hell can prevail.” So the next best thing is to water it down so much that we have a large sect of people claiming to be Christians with all it’s orthodoxy and yet not saved. If we can water down Christianity so much that anyone that says they believe in Christ is saved without actually becoming saved or being empowered by being born again, then we can graft everyone in with them. In other words, if we can get a Muslim to say he believes in Christ and that’s enough for salvation, then we can get a unified religion without any affront from the “radicals,” we’ll even discredit them by publicly certifying them as heretics. It’s like Samson and Delilah, Samson was so drained that he thought he had the power but on confrontation he didn’t. Similarly, with these large groups of people claiming to be save, because of a sinner’s prayer or recited ‘faith’ script, they will have no power to fight or take flight when the test comes or when the trumpet blows.

Satan’s scheme has been so successful that there is only a remnant of believers left who hold on to the truth; the sinner’s prayer has replaced true salvation, “separation” of the church and worldliness seems so non-existent that I often wonder if there is a distinction and many damnable heresies have flooded our society.

Notice this successful scheme in action:

Rev. Robert Schuller recently appeared on the TBN Praise the Lord show and talked about his visit to Syria in December 1999. He had been invited by the leading Muslim leader of the world, the Grand Mufti, to preach in his own Mosque in Damascus on December 17. Paul Crouch was curious about this very unusual invitation. The reverend of positive teachings related this story.

  • Schuller [Questioning the Grand Mufti] "First of all, let me ask you: 'How many Christians do you have in Syria?'"
  • Grand Mufti "Oh, I would think, maybe 17 millions." [Population exceeds 17 millions]
  • Schuller "No. I said Christians?"
  • Grand Mufti [he replied with the same answer] "I would say about 17 millions. This is my territory. You can't be a Muslim in Syria if you're not a follower of Jesus Christ." [This is paradoxical, because you can’t be a follower of Jesus Christ and be a Muslim, the work for men was finished with Christ.]

In other words, the Grand Mufti and agreeing Schuller, qualifies these Muslims as being saved. So then if a Hindu, Buddhist or anyone from any religion makes this statement of confession, even if they continue to do what they were doing, they are save. Schuller confirms this satanic conspiracy in his interview with Larry King:

  • King [asking why he met the Grand Mufti] "And why are you here? The idea of bringing religions together, right?"
  • Schuller "Absolutely.... We're in a totally new era...the age of being able to indoctrinate people is finished..."
  • King "Does [this visit], Robert Schuller, give you encouragement...?"
  • Schuler “Oh, absolutely...the Grand Mufti said...'religion is like rain that falls... the
    extremists...pollute the pure water'.... I predict we're going to focus in the next millennium as religious leaders to clean up the pollution in religion...”

God help us. No wonder in America 90 % or more of the population say they are save. This scripture has clearly been realized, “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” In fact, it was conspired to lead all churches back to Constantine Catholic church with all its invented pagan orthodoxy. In September 22, 1992, The Oregonian quoted Billy Graham calling for a ‘One merged Church.’ Of course, under Catholicism, regardless of it’s doctrinal error. Texe Mars’ book, The Millennium, reveals the intent of this, ‘The Order desires the Vatican to be the fountainhead and headquarters of the New World religion, and intends that the Pontiff of the Roman Church become the supreme Pontiff of the whole world.’ Later in 1994 leading Evangelicals and Catholics signed a Joint Declaration titled Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the 3rd Millennium. In other words, this conspiracy is well into effect. Pat Robertson, Charles Colson, The Southern Baptist Convention, Bill Bright, Mark Noll, Jesse Miranda, Richard Mouw, Richard Simonds, Paul Crouch, Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn and many others. As stated earlier, it is a conspiracy to water down Christianity and over throw the faith of many in so-called unity. Robert Muller, had called for the Pope to declare himself chief of the One-world church. He said, ‘We need a world cosmic spirituality. I hope that religious leaders will get together and define the cosmic laws which are common to all…We must also hope that the Pope will come…speak for all religions and spiritualities on this planet and give the world the religious view of how the 3rd millennium should be a ‘spiritual’ millennium.’ In other words, spiritual adultery!

My friend, this is the invitation and future implication, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be save” (Acts 16:31). But this is the affirmation and final thesis, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:38).  “Believest thou this?”

Answer Notes: 1. Read more on the sinner’s prayer here

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