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FAQ # 181

QUESTION  181 :  How is it three persons were seen at Jesus’ baptism isn’t that the three persons of the “Godhead”?

John was the only person that saw the Holy Spirit descending like a dove (an actual dove wasn’t implied) and he was also the only person that heard the voice of God. The text reads,

“And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven “like” a dove, and it abode upon him” (John 1:32).

Therefore, John saw and heard the evidence that this is the Son of God. In other words, Jesus’ baptism was a witness of his son-ship and represents a type and shadow of the son-ship of everyone that is born again.

Where else did this scenario take place?

On the day of Pentecost. After the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, Peter said, “having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear” (Acts 2:33).

How was the outpouring of the Holy Ghost witnessed? They saw and heard, similar to Jesus’ Baptism.

This was a witness to the onlookers that the believers were indeed the regenerated sons of God and they too could become sons of God. This happened in Jesus’ case so that we might have an assured witness of his Messianic office through John (John 1:33); and in our case to show that we are saved.

In St. John 12:27-30, this same voice from heaven spoke clearly so that everyone could hear, as it even thunder the place. Christ then tells us the purpose for this, which is also the purpose of the voice at John’s baptism. He said, “This voice came not because of me, but for your sake’s” (John 12:30).

If the voice came for their sakes and it did nothing to help them physically nor spiritually, then it must be for witness. That’s the reason Apostolics stress speaking of tongues for everyone that is born of the spirit: Because, like Jesus experience, it is a witness of one’s conversion by the spirit of God.

Answer Notes: 1. One person noted, “Jesus in the water throwing his voice, and the dove” (Mike Bugal, Now remember that the Holy Spirit is God and say I’m hear allowing the Holy Ghost to speak through me literally and he’s speaking audible to someone else in another part of the world, isn’t that the one God simultaneously speaking? Is that throwing voice as we know it? Now think of the reality of it, the same Holy Spirit speaking diverse things in diverse way throughout the entire region of the world. That would make millions of a similar John baptism thing going on around the world at the same time and even more complex, saying different things. Then is the baptism hard to comprehend? So you see that our carnal minds cannot fathom God and he has to reveal to you what is, as he is doing through this book.

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