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FAQ # 31

QUESTION  31 :  If Christ removes the law by nailing it to the cross (Col 2:14), then why do believers still need to keep the Sabbath? Is it a prerequisite for salvation?

Keeping the Sabbath or attending church on a Saturday will not get you into heaven, nor will it save anyone.

According to verse 14 of Colossians 2, it carried the "handwriting of requirements that was against us," so God nailed it to the cross. The written law was nailed to the cross because it was "contrary to us." In other words, Christ's death has freed us from the condemnation or curse of the law. This passage is not about the doing away of food, drink, festival, new moon, or Sabbaths, but the abolition of the written code and regulations concerning these things. This passage says nothing about abolishing the Sabbath commandment.

The Sabbath, being one of the Ten Commandment headings, has not been abolished, but the strict regulations concerning the keeping of the Sabbath day were fulfilled by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. That is, you won’t be penalize for not keeping it. Though the Sabbath was a shadow of things to come, Christians today still need to practice Sabbath.

Working 7 days a week is an abomination to the temple of God (your body), choose a day to rest and reflect on God’s goodness. Not because you won’t go to hell for it (condemnation), but take care of the temple God gave to you. The written regulation of the law is nailed to the cross, so the day is not as important as the time spent resting or reflecting on the real rest Jesus Christ brings. The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath.

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