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FAQ # 9

QUESTION  9 :  The bible said that “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Rom 10:13); can we not just do that and be immediately saved?

Notice the verse that follows verse 13,

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed” (Rom 10:14)?

Meaning, anyone that calls on the name of the Lord had to first believe in the Lord; calling on the name of the Lord is then turning to him (repentance), not being saved. In essence, calling on the name of the Lord is a result of belief. And we earlier found out that belief is a needed element to being born again, not that one is born again upon belief or turning to him. No. “The devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” (Jas 2:19-20).

Here James tells us that believing and “looking” to Christ doesn’t cut it, even devils do that; but what they don’t do is “works”, which is simply obedience to the born again plan. That is, becoming born of the water – baptism in Jesus name, and becoming born of the spirit – baptism in the spirit, evidence by speaking in another tongue.

By the verse in your question we see that belief leads to repentance or a turn to God; it will also ultimately lead to being born again. That’s why ministers should avoid getting into details with unsaved persons, but simply encourage one to believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shall be save; knowing that a genuine unhindered believer will do (doctrine) anything to receive what he has heard (gospel). Once that mind set has been realized, humbly teach the doctrine of Christ; knowing that without it no man can be saved. See the chapter Biblical Conclusion.

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