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FAQ # 91

QUESTION  91 :  Many who preach eternal security emphases Rom 8:1 but fail to emphases the second clause, "those who walk after the spirit." Do you do that?

Firstly, I preach Justification. Now the full verse states, "there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit" (Rom 8:1). If you are truly in Christ Jesus, it goes without saying that you will walk after the spirit. So the first clause can stand alone and it can also still imply the second clause. Reason being, this is the effect of being in Christ, as prophesied long ago and quoted by Paul, "I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them" (Eze 36:27, Heb 8:10, 10:16).

In other words, once born again, which is being in Christ, it states that his laws and ways will be automated in you. You'll get a new mind and a new nature. This new nature will strive to walk after the spirit automatically, whiles traces of the Old life will try to oppose this, influenced by the Devil. That's the reason for the first clause of Rom 1:8, because sometimes the influence by the Devil wins and we get hopeless.

So it is perfectly okay to include or not include the second clause without any meaning being loss, because those that are in Christ Jesus automatically walk after the spirit. If that weren't the case, you probably aren't in Christ (2 Cor 13:5,7; 1 John 5:18).

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