Vicki's Awards Page
Vicki won BOB with her Sr. Solid French Lop Doe (SAND) at the Union Grove Show on 5/10/03. 
6/8/03 Vicki won BOS with her Blue Dutch Doe at Weyawega, WI Spring Fling Show.
Vicki won Dutch BOB at the FVRC Shows on 9/20 and 9/21/03 with D39, a Steel Sr. Buck.  She went on to win both days in Group 4.   She also won French Lop BOSB on 9/21/03 with VMC5 (M.J.) a Solid Senior Doe.  Her Chestnut Sr Buck ND also had a big win on 9/21/03.  He won BOSB. 

A special thank you to Kristine Leverich for her help in the Dutch steels!!
D39 Russell (Dutch Steel Sr. Buck) received BOB at the WSRBA Convention in 2003 and 2004..
Voigt's Angel (ANGL) Solid French Lop Doe received 8th place in the Top Lops from the Lop Rabbit Club. 2003-04
Vicki won BOS Dutch with 52PH a Steel Sr. Buck at Lakeland RBA Elkhorn Show on 2/13/05.
Vicki won BOB/BOS Dutch at the 2005 WI State Fair.  BOB was a blue sr doe V12B, and BOS was a steel sr. buck 52PH.  Dutch are still doing very well.  This same pair also won at Dodge County (WI) Junior Fair for 2005.

Vicki participated and won the American Dutch Rabbit Club Queen contest for 2006 in Pennsylvania at ADRC Nationals.

April 2006
Vicki again participated in the ADRC Royalty and Judging Contest in Kalamazoo, MI. She won Dutch Queen and first place Judging Contest

April, 2007
Vicki has just won BOB with Sandy, English Lop Jr. Doe
                           5-13-07 & 5-20-07

                                Thanks Geoffe!!
BOS with Danny, English Lop Sr. Buck
    FVRC 6-9-07  Judged by John Grimm
BOB with Sandy, English Lop Jr. Doe
    Midwest Lop Club Specialty 6-9-07
          Judged by Zach Holtmeyer
BOS With Danny, English Lop Sr. Buck
     Midwest Lop Club Specialty 6-9-07
         Judged by Zach Holtmeyer
BOB with Danny, English Lop  Sr. Buck
                FVRC 6-10-07
         Judged by Marv Wunderlin
BOS with Sandy, English Lop Jr. Doe
               FVRC 6-10-07
         Judged by Marv Wuderlin