Oh, that Matt, he sucks.

By The Disgusting Freak Morgo

One day, little Jimmy was was making his way into pre-school when suddenly, as he sat down, his scrotum sack exploded, throwing his balls across the room. Little Jimmy didnt know what the devil to do at this point, and the teachers and children were horrified. At the spare of the moment, Jimmy had an idea. He picked up a flagpole and stabbed it through the teacher's eye. yes, rather disgusting i know. but its how the story's told. meanwhile. an eyeball joined the balls on the ground in a pool of blood. The teachers and children were now scared out of their wits as they were terribly afraid of the young boy and his amazing talent. One of the other teachers was about to call the police when little Jimmy exploded. i dont know why. he just did. I was watching from the window, it was a disgusting sight, and, to use a word not in the dictionary, it was absolutely incruduglifying. so everyone in the room exploded. by now it was a blood bath....Little did the exploding classroom know, Little Matt was still in the loo loo having a pee pee, as they thought he was doing... so matt did not know that he would too soon explode as he had no choice but to follow the story of complete nonsense.

I think everyone dies in the end. can i have your year 10 photo?


Bronson K Volcomstalker:
A delightful little insight into the mind of a man with no mind.
He's filled out the criterium, provided a few chuckles, and had a more than appropriate title. Good job Morgs.

Spike Firestorm:
I liked the bit about the toilet.