Well I managed to pull of 38th out of 60. I posted the final scores
and the scenario sheets from the tournament in the files section if
anyone wants to see them.

I left all my gaming stuff in the car so I dont remember everyones
names for sure...but my games went something like:

Game 1 - Jim Bailey - San Antonio - Mortal Chaos

This was the rattlesnake scenario. I never picked one up so I never
got bit. This was a good game though very bloody. Things looked
pretty good in turn one. I managed to destroy one unit of fast cav.
and wound a few more. One of those that wounded fled. I should not
have moved in turn one, and gotten an additional round of shooting.
Especially at the big infantry blocks. Jims Chaos trolls charged my
Kroxigors in turn 2. They lasted through one round, but broke and
were run down in turn 3. The Chaos trolls hit a unit of 15 skinks,
and there they stayed unit turn 6 when the trolls finally managed to
run them down...way to go uber skinks (made 2 snake eye rolls to not
break from combat and almost managed to win combat one round). In
the end I just could not do enough damage across the board to make
the difference needed. It was a good game...but I was waffle

Game 2 - Marty Spiller - Skaven

Well if I learned anything from the tournament, it is that the best
type of Warp Lightning Cannon is the one that misfires, and blows up
on turn 1. This was the tornado game. The tornado made a bee line
for my right flank and stayed there the entire game. basically 2
units of skinks, 1 unit of kroxigors were eliminated from contention
in the game. This game was close, ended in a minor loss for me. I
was able to get rid of a few of his units early on, and managed to
do well with my Saurus units. The general kicked some butt for a
round, but the stormvermin and the screaming bell made a flank
charge and that was more than the unit could take. This was a
pretty good game, despite the scenario rules.

Game 3 - Mike Nipper - Orcs & Goblins

This was an unusual scenario. Basically, if you avoided your
opponent, and got units off the board you got bonus VP's for that
unit. This is the one victory i got during the tournament, and it
was a minor victory at that. My opponent had his general mounted on
a wyvern, and he did not really use it to its full potential. In
the end< iwas able to get a unit of kroxigors, a unit of skinks, and
my stegadon off the board edge. That combined with the normal VP i
received gave me the victory. This was a fairly slow paced game, i
think my least favorite of the tournament. Mostly because it was my
least favorite scenario.

Game 4 - Jeff Gradeja - Austin - High Elves

This was my favorite game of the tournament. Mostly because it was
least like a tournament game and most like playing just for fun.
This was to poison in the well scenario where each player lost d3
dice from the magic pool in each magic phase. I was able to take
advantage of strong my strong units to do some pretty good damage to
the elves. Highlights of this game included Jeffs Silver Helms
running off some kroxigors only to once again face the wrath of the
skinks. The skinks managed to hold up one unit of Silver Helms
until the stegadon could make it back around. The Stegadon had
taken 3 wounds early on from a bolt thrower. He had been hiding
behind some forest. When he made his way around to charge the
knights he managed to only kill one after the charge and all
attacks. He saved all wounds from the units attacks...but was
kicked to death by a horse. This game was really a blood bath.
Jeffs swordmasters charged my Suaurs, lost, and fled. The flank of
his spearmen were just a bit over 11 " away...I rolled a 12 to
pursue. The Spearmen did not take so kindly to the flank charge and
fled after the first round of combat. This game ended in a draw.
Magic and shooting devestated my army.

Game 5 - Dan Moreley - High Elves

Two High Elves in a row. This army was a bit different than the
previous with a unit of 20 Lothern Seaguard all in a single row
making up the bulk of the army. The scenario was basically a
pitched battle with qtrs. being worth 250 points instead of 100
each. The game ended in a draw, only because I was able to run my
Stegadon up the flank and around behind his lines. The Seaguard
killed everything that got close to them, and I was never able to
get a charge. I ended with 2 qtrs to his 1 but still was left with
a tie due to the loss of a hero. The high point of this game was a
little skink Shaman going two round with a great eagle, doing a
wound (the eagle had already taken damage), and killing the eagle.

I look forward to the next tournament. Looks like i might be able
to make it to the Direwolf after all, should know later this week.
I ended up higher than I thought, 38th out of 60. My sportsmanship
score was 62 which is very good I think. The highest score was 76,
i think 80 was the most possible. My composition score sucked. My
core % was to low and the Stegadon did not help I think. I have
changed the army to get rid of the stegadon, and add some additional
staying power ot the Saurus. I will give this army a try on

Thanks to the guys at the Heart of Texas Warhammer Society for
hosting a great tournament. It really was a blast...even though I
did not drink.

seanabrady Houston