To all who dont know who i am, i was the annoying woodelf player.
This was my first time playin under these rules, in a tourny, and
against people other than my bro and my friend

1 general /w Hail of doom arrows (AKA squad raper)
1 lvl 2 mage
2 units of 5 wardancers
2 units of 5 archers

Game 1 - Against the snotling man: Started off cool, got some decent
spells, never used them. We both went for middle, he never got off
the doom divers or bolt throwers. I moved the forests around for the
fun of it (gotta love treesinging) He had a unit of about 10 guys,
shot it with HOD arrow, it lived up to its name, took out 7 guys from
a unit of 10. They ran like little girls after my 1 of my wardancer
squads ran into em and killed 1, over ran them, got the banner (yay,
100 pts for me). Then proceeded to shot the heck outta his wolf
riders, they went down. Moved 1 unit of my wardancers into the trees
and moved the forest again (thus moving the wardancers too). He
charged the dancers with his hero and the snotlings. Not fun, they
killed 3. Other wardancers charged the side of the Hero, whopped the
carp outta him (yay, hero down, 100 more points). At the end all he
had was snotlings and the warmachines. I dont think i lost much,
maybe 1-2 models

Game 2 - Chaos whores - I have, and will always hate chaos, (yay, 1+
armour save, damn u) Didnt make it better that i always play him, so
he knows my tactics. He killed my mage fast fast fast. Tied up his
chaos mounted boys with the dancers for the entire game, but his hero
tore me to peices, in retrospect, i should attacked the horses his
guys were riding to get rid of the mounted armour save. Durn tzeench
horrors, or whatever they were. In short, lost, bad.

Game 3 - Skaven Swarm - Yay, used to fighting these guys, lots of
nice forests too, helps that i got lord of the forest as one of my
spells. Got first go, moved the forests around as usual, ran
wardancers up, hero too. He moved up, didnt have any ranged, so i
didnt worry. good thing is that he moved into archers range, yay.
Fired hail of doom arrow at one swarm of clanrats. That hurt them,
think i had 16 hits, only missed like 3, killed alot, they ran (they
never rallied and went off the board too). Moved forest again too.
Hit the first squad of slaves (closest ones) with 2 wardancer charges
and my general. Beat em and they took off running, caught em though
(he now has only a hero, 1 swarm of clanrats and 1 swarm of slaves)
Got charged by the clanrats (hero was with em) made it through combat
(think i used the unbreakable dance), next turn his other slave squad
was in the far forest, blasted em with forest lord, hero and other
wardancer unit tore into the clanrats, they ran, we persued, caught
em (yay, +200 points, general slain and a banner) and that was that.
Over all i think i took 2-3 casualties

Game 4 - Greenskins - First time i EVER had to fight chariots, wasnt
so bad though. Moved up, moved the forest as usual, used the woods
to hinder his chariot movment. Shot his chariot with his hero in it
with hail of doom arrow, it got fragged. He was REAL good at guessin
range, took out alot of my wardancers. I used my archers to shot up
his wolf riders, they broke and ran off the board in the following
turn. His durn chariot took out a squad of dancers though, made me
mad. That chariot got eaten by the last wardancer, archers and my
hero. In the end he lost all his chariots, all he had left was his
general and 2 warmachines.

Game 5 - The plague monks- I hated playin mark, he's my usual
oppnent, and i knew it was gonna be bad. Those plague monks are
tough as heck. Used my mage to cast Howler wind, nullifing his
ratling gun, which was good. Moved the forest too, blockin off one
avenue of attack for him. 1 squad of Wardancers got eaten by plague
monks and the other was broken by the clanrats, SUK, they were
overrun. Beat down his general with my genral, but he got swarmed,
in short, all i learned from this one was that archers can hold their
own against a sqaud of clan rats, in hand to hand combat no less.
Bad rolls on my part and poor tactics gave this one too ya mark, good
game though.

in short i came into the last game ranked 5th, left it ranked 9th, i
was soo mad...but thats life. Look forward to playing more with u
guys, it was fun for my first time.
