John and I played two 500 pt. battles tonight at MC...

John's Skaven

1 large unit Plague Monks
1 large unit Clanrats (General with "Dwarf Gouger"!)

Mike's Dwarf Throng of Karak Grom

16 Warriors (inc. Thane)
12 Crossbowmen
2 Bolt Throwers

1st game

I inflicted very few casualties with my missle weapons on his way
across the board :( I tried to whittle down his Plague Monks
(multiple attacks, frenzied) as much as possible with little effect
(esp. poor rolling with BT's). His Plague Monks charged my
warriors, won CR, and I broke! He actually failed to run them down,
but I rolled an 11 to rally on the next turn and ran off the board!

His Clanrats charged my Crossbow unit and broke them after a couple
of turns.

Result: Strategic Victory for the Skaven, Grrrrr! Grats to John!

2nd game

I focused my attacks on his Clanrats this time and had better
results. His Clanrats charged my Crossbowmen, broke them, but
failed to overrun them during pursuit! It took him another turn to
break them and run them off the board.

His Plague Monks moved close enough to my warriors for my first ever
charge! It was fun getting the first shots in during close combat
for once!! My stunties proved just how tough they can be :) After
a few rounds, they gained enough of an advantage for the Plague
Monks to break and run. I successfully overran them during pursuit.

Result: Minor Victory for the Dwarf Throng of Karak Grom

NOTE: I hope to have enough troops ready by the later part of April
to field 1000 pts. :)
