Necro, Assistant & including Banshee
Skeleton unit (10 to start)
Ghouls (6)
Fell Bats (5)

15 Warriors
12 Crossbowmen

Game 1
My warriors and Thane did not even get into the action! He avoided
them "like the plague" (pun intended). His Banshee and fell bats
took out my crossbowmen unit and cannon. Tried my best to cut down
his skellies, but couldn't quite get it done :( His ghouls broke
after charging my xbowmen and routed off the table. Win for Travis.

Battle notes for next time: 1) Make sure have something magic to
fight things that can only be harmed by magic; 2) Don't forget
additional +1 on armor save in HTH (forgot it again with xbowmen)!!

Game 2
Travis gave me some great pointers and deployment advice and let me
play with 2 BT's (which I dont have yet). Got initiative and took
out Banshee on first turn with BT shot! Short story. I killed all,
but one fell bat, all three casters, most of the ghouls, and a lot
of skellies. Only casualties were the xbowmen unit! Win for Mike :)

Battle notes: Cannon has great punch, but limited impact in very
small battles.

Thanks again to Travis for being patient with the rookie :)

