I typed this earlier and hit the back button to check one little
detail and lost the entire message.... note to self - do not hit back
button when on the site using the "post" message tab.....

Game 1 - Chaos vs Chris H's Gobbo's, 500pts. took the same list
against all 3 opponents.... 2 units knights, 1 hounds, 1 furies, and
my hero....
Goblin army - 2 chariots, 2 units of spears with fanatics, 1 shaman
lvl 2..... for those of you who do not know; goblins themselves suck
<i play them... I can say this :p> I flew my furies inbetween the 2
units of spears to get the fans out; no luck - i was 1/2" to 1" too
short. his magic phase blasted the furies <no demonic save vs
magic>; tried to run the hounds up..... same thing; left me with the
knights who had been working their up to get the charge.... charged
in to a unit of spear gobbo's... he started combat 5 up <1
banner,1US, 3 ranks {this is rank all right!}> I did 5 wounds with 4
knights and horses - he does zero... he has a musician... i test -1
and make it.... and am charged in the flank by a #$@#ing goblin
chariot...... again i do pitful rolls and end up losing the fight...
the other unit of knights had held back to keep the other chariot at
bay.... result- Gobbo win - massacre of the chaos horde....

Game 2 - Vs Sean Brady's VC.... same list for me... Sean had a necro -
5 ghouls for body guards, a big unit of skele's and a unit of Grave
Guard....<wight weapons/killing blow ability.....> I tried to send
furies after necro, to double charge the GG with Knights and hounds
and use my general and the other knights to draw his forces in two
directions..... What actually happened is more bad rolling for me...
i declare the charges against the GG and roll a 5 for the knights and
a 6 for the hounds... should have called the hounds first their LD is
5 and they did not charge....His GG had US,Rank and I only did one
wound, failed my break test with reroll... and was caught from behind
by the GG. Sean was rolling very high on most of his dice...... he
raised zombies for my other unit and Gen to squish; and then did it
again.... However; my furies got to his ghouls and with luck ate
them - Seans goal was to raise some zombies between the necro and the
furies and finally did not succeed in a spell..... the furies charged
and destroyed a fleeing necro..... With the general dead the VC
started to crumble.... insablility tests Sean needed to roll low, and
proceeded to roll over two turns, 12,12,11,9..... doing more damage
to his own army than I did to it.
non-league game... victory to chaos - most of the wounds done by VC.

3rd game League game - vs John's Skaven..... Newcomer to the League,
Mike <dwarves> had been watching the games so I let him take the
reins on this one for me. I pointed out the hero, the ratling gun....
Mike ran full force forward; the hope is to fury the gun; and make
the ratz run.... game went a full 6 turns... highlights include
ratgun failing fear test and running off board; Mike planning a dual
charge front and flank - getting the overrun into the skaven
general.... John double flanked the knights... big mess in the middle
of the board with hounds, knights being flanked on each side by
ratz.... end the end they ran out of time and by GW BBB rules -
fight was a draw; the league rule of carry over the fight to the next
round and fight again or decide by die roll had to be the dice roll
due to it being the last turn. Victor by Dice roll - chaos.

Travis, troll_hairfoot