Jew centre`s book-burning attempt 2000
"Spearheading a drivce to stiffle online dissent, the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre sponsered an [event in 2000] calling for a ban on books and Web sites it finds objectionable." - NS Bulletin No.340
Printer trial for printing dissedent material in occupied UK 2001
"The trail in the case of R.[Regina/The People] versus [Colin] Jordan & Hancock...was originally set to start on 7 March, 2001, then put back to 12 March, and has now been put back till 3 September in pursuit of medical reports.The case appropriately T2000 1984." - Gothic Ripples No.43 [ CASE  COLLAPSED ]
UK Met Police Racial Crime Task Force leader guilty of Racial harassment 2001
"Sarah Locker, a Turkish Muslim, who...was hounded out of the Metropolitan Police, won a record £1 Million out-of -court settlement...her former boss, John Grieve, now head of Scotland Yard`s Racial Crime Task Force, had ruined her life." - Voice of St.George No.22, page 2.
Homosexuals insainly support child abuse in occupied UK 2001
"...Outrage, the homosexual group, announced that they would fight on for the age limit to be lowered to 14! The leader of Outrage, Peter Tatchell, has publicly condoned [supported] sex with 9-year-olds!" - Voice of St.George No.22, page 3.                         Cyber-tip line usa               Childline uk
Police anti-racists collaborate with known communists in occupied UK 1999
Gerry gable, publisher of...Searchlight, has...been appointed to the Advisory Panel of a new 'anti-racist' task force under a Deputy Assistant Commisioner Alan Fry, national in scope [Uk province],...additional to the other such task force under Deputy Assistent Commisioner John Grieve which is ..concerned with London." - Gothic Ripples
USS Liberty - 38 seamen murdered by Israeli-jews 1967 for witnessing warcrimes
It has been revealied that US President Lindon Johnson covered up the murder of 38 US seamen by the Israeli's 8th June 1967 of the coast of the town of El Arish where the
israeli's were shooting handcuffed Egyptian prisoners of war.
Mi5 uk Security Service Director-General Hollis spied for Soviet Intellegence
Do you wish to know more?
White Man! Police not interested? Too Busy? Even for violent crime?
Click here to see what the police are busy doing.
New White Voice stickers by the England-First International Third Position 2001
Click here to view a picture
British National Party polls 24% of vote in Burnley (North England) 2001
The Jewish Problem - Some information. And also Historical Review.
Aryan Unity - with world news area.
Judas Report: Church of England sells Christ to Pedophile Pharasee (Jew) types.
"A Church of England report, called 'Meeting the Challenge', says that churches should open their arms to paedophiles and other sex offenders." - Voice of Saint George page 2 Issue 18.

No mention is made of Christs command to drown pedophiles with millstones in the Bible.

The Church of England is the official religion of England ruled by the puppet Monarch Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd, and is traditionally riddled with members of the Grand Lodge of England Free-Masonic secretive order and its homosexual/pedophile Secret Monitor higher order. (The Grand Lodge of England is the Mother Lodge of world Freemasonry operating in the 3 degrees, containing muslims and Talmudic Jews as members, and is considered Satanist by Muslim authorities in Islamic countries.) The Church of England also welcomes homosexuals and supports the human-vivisection/abortion of The Human Fertilization and Embyrology Authority.      
NSPCC site     CCPAS uk      Counter them
Negros Human-Sacrifice ritual-murder of children in occupied London Uk.
" The body of a young boy found floating in London's River Thames was dismembered in a way that is consistant with a human sacrifice, an expert has said. The torso of the boy, believed to be 5 to 7 years old and of African origin was found on September 21 near London's Tower Bridge...A reward of $72,500 has been offered...the body bore all the hallmarks of a ritualistic death...consistent with those of a ritual homocide as practiced in Africa..Police discovered seven half-burned candles wrapped in a white sheet washed up..and the name Fola Adeoye was inscribed on the candles...was part of a Yoruba or 'multi' ritualistic murder...Scholtz explained that ritualistic murders in Africa have declined from about 30 a year a decade ago to three in the year 2000...British police...have been in close touch with detectives in Germany and Belgium, where there have been three similar cases involving the murder of children..." - CNN January 29 2002.             Find missing children USA
English National Opera stages Satanic ritual homosexual rape for entertainment of the english elite at the London Coliseum. Decadent tickets going like gold-dust. Feb 2002.
White man! Denied Employment by the British fat-cats/kittens? Work now for a National Socialist Reich. Why not make your own volks website? Try angel fire?
Paul Burrell (the late-Princess Diana's butler & rock) manages to explain to the Spencer Family and the Police that Property is not Thieft. UK province 2002
Scotland yard was not convinced by this belief and so booked themselves onto a QE2 cruise
- to investigate. The politically correct detectives told Prince Charles of their fantasys: of Mr Burrell wearing Diana's clothes! They had not checked to see if he could even fit into her slim dresses however, in a display of unprofessionalism that has become the halmark of the politically correct police.  Police lies and fantasys to one side, the case collapsed when
the Monarch - an important defence witness not even bothered interviewed by the police - finally came forward with significant information concerning the Butler's innocence - that is after the Spencers were given their little court case fun and the new enlightenment that seemed to go with it.
National Front
Special Report. Female Sexual Disfunction treatment vetoed by world media speaking with one voice - Jan 3rd 2003
The details revealed to the discerning web surfer.
Click this link.
New Information upon Human Rights Abuses.
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