January 7, 2003
Piece-of-nerd young-Earth creationists making us Christians look like idiots (click to read)

      --No wonder non-believers think we’re a bunch of idiots!  I’m tired of these ignorant and prideful young-Earth creationists.  I’m tired of your “I’ll love God with my heart and soul, but I’m gonna park my mind at the door before I come in.”  Get off your ignorance based solely in the fact you’re not courageous enough to let go of your false traditional doctrines based on nothing but thin air, and start opening your eyes, ears, and brains to the world around you and the truths God has given us through his own created nature!  God is not impressed by your ego and pride not allowing you to let go of Archbishop Usser’s Biblical Chronology.  So I suppose cause the Bible plainly (though used obviously figuratively) says the Earth has four corners you believe that blindly literally too, and that the Earth isn’t spherical at all?!  Sheesh, at least be consistent in your ignorance. 
       And you know what,
I used to be one of them, wallowing in my tradition and pride...but gee how God is good at getting me of my high-horse.  Humility goes a long way in restoring an individual.

Test everything.  Hold onto the good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:12

Why would God ask us to "test" everything if we couldn't trust the results?  God doesn't contradict his character.

Please read this article if you have any inkling of an interest in this topic.

“The Age of Earth”

“'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” -Matthew 22:37