Welcome to Von's eKnowledge Portal

Is investing an art or science? Some act like gamblers and think that they are acting like investors. Von thinks otherwise. Disciplined investing is the key to success. Being overly emotional will get you nowhere and get you down the train more than half of the time.

Financial Planning
Insurance Companies In Singapore
Life is unpredictable. We do not know what will happen tomorrow. So how does insurance help us? Click here for the list of insurance companies compiled by Von.

Stockbroking Houses In Singapore
How many stockbroking houses are ther in Singapore? What are the procedures to open a trading account? Allow Von to share a bit of what he knows.

Banks In Singapore

When you think of banks, what do you think of? Some people in the street call banks "legalised loan sharks" which try to lend you money when you least need them and recover from you when you most need it. What are the players in Singapore?

Investor Education And Tools
There are quite a few sources to get yourself educated on financial planning. So where are the lobangs?


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