"To the man who loves art for its own sake it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Copper Beeches.
Welcome to my abode! Upon this page you will find many of the various interests which occupy my mind. From the ancient world to the space age, from great works of literature to fantastic old time radio, from towering historical leaders to extraordinary fictional characters- if it's interesting, it's here! Enjoy!
I am an avid reader, and I love to write, travel and collect rare and unusual items. My major area of interest is history, with a focus on modern European and early American. Oddly enough, my interest in humanities story began at an early age with old time radio. Currently, I hold bachelor degrees in Education and in History.

I have collected Pop Culture Memorabilia for years and have recently began posting collectibles on eBay, the webs largest on-line auction. Feel free to link to eBay and check out some of the two million plus items people all over the world are selling.
eBay - The Nets largest auction! Over two million items on auction & over a billion page views per month!

Empire Collectibles -
Check out my About Me Page one eBay! It has all of the auctions I am currently running, my feedback, and some general information about me!

National Geographic: Learn about our world in one of the most interesting sites on the web!
"Nobody caught a glimpse of the nether gloom. Who could have guessed such a thing, moreover? There are such marshes in India; the water seems strange, inexplicable, quivering when there is no wind; agitated where it should be calm. You see upon the surface this causeless boiling; you do not perceive the Hydra crawling at the bottom. Many men have thus a secret monster, a disease which they feed, a dragon which gnaws them, a despair which inhabits their night. Such a man resembles other people, goes, comes. Nobody knows that he has within him a fearful parasitic pain, with a thousand teeth, which lives in the miserable man, who is dying of it. Nobody knows that this man is a gulf. It is stagnant, but deep. From time to time, a troubling, of which we understand nothing, shows itself on the surface. A mysterious wrinkle comes along, then vanishes, then reappears; a bubble of air rises and bursts. It is a little thing, it is terrible. It is the breathing of the unknown monster. From Victor Hugo's Les Miserables.
Literature: This months recommend reading- Victor Hugo's Les Miserables (classic) and William L. Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich(historical).
Old Time Radio: Check out When Radio Was and listen to great crime fighters like The Shadow, Ellery Queen, or Philip Marlowe. Laugh with Jack Benny, Phil Harris, or Blondie. Pull the sheets over your head and listen to shows like Suspense and Inner Sanctum Mysteries. Or, thrill to the Golden Age Man of Steel in The Adventures of Superman. Wonderful, good, clean fun!
Historical Giants: This months historical giants
feature Abraham Lincoln and Joan of Arc.
Recommended reading: Lincoln on Leadership
by Donald T. Phillips. This book takes a new,
fresh look at the greatest leader in U.S. history.
Joan of Arc was a French peasant girl from
Domremy in Champagne. She would, in the
service of God, rise to unite France and drive
out the English. Visit The Catholic Encyclopedia
for more information on Joan of Arc.
Science: In this months science section I suggest visiting NASA's Web Site. Learn more about the universe we live in, what's ahead, and the mission to Mars.
Fictional Characters: Lestat de Lioncourt, from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. For those who love modern horror, the writings of Anne Rice offer a wide range of stories; all alive with history. Surf the web for a wide range of Vampire, Anne Rice, and other horror sites. I recommend The Vampire Lestat Fan Club.
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