Alderman, Ward 2

Green Party

Community Policing


Recreational Areas

Property Taxes

Expanding Homeownership

Expanding the Living Wage

Thank you, Ward 2, for re-electing me as your representative in November 2003. Our ward, which encompasses Dwight and Dixwell, demonstrated that we can beat machine politics.

One way to have a say in what happens in the neighborhood is to come to the neighborhood meetings. The Dwight Management Team meets 6:30 pm the 1st Tuesday of the month at the Timothy Dwight School community room on Edgewood Avenue/Day Street. The Dixwell Management Team meets 7 pm every 3rd Thursday of the month, at the Wexler Grant School on Foote Street off of Dixwell Avenue.

Hope to see you at these meetings or outside as I walk the streets of our ward! Please feel free to contact me at


I am a resident of the Dwight neighborhood and a voice for Dwight and Dixwell in City Hall. I regularly attend meetings of the Dwight Management Team, to keep up to date with the concerns of my constituents. These management teams are supposed to be the neighborhood voice, so please attend the meetings.

I want to bring legislation that will make New Haven a better place to live for working parents, the elderly, youth, and the residents of our community. That is why I am with the GREEN PARTY, which is fighting for honest government and a return of our taxpaying money back to our neighborhood from the hands of corrupt politicians. I want to make sure that YOUR interest is represented in City Hall, and not the interest of rich corporations.

Why the Green Party?

The Democratic Machine has dominated New Haven politics, and has prevented true grassroots democracy from taking hold. The machine caters to the interests of politically-connected campaign donors, and thus answers not to us residents but to the politically-connected. Thus, there has not been accountability in our government, and our problems in poor education, policing, and lack of revenue continue to persist...UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. We need a new force in New Haven politics. In November 2001, the voters of Ward 2 and Ward 9 started this process by electing two of us (myself and John Halle) from a different political party--the Green Party.

The Green Party's historic focus on clean government offers the best hope for addressing our city's chronic corruption. Our party's strong commitment to the environment will enable us to address the city's chronically poor air and water quality. In addition, our strong commitment to economic justice mandates us to fight for a living wage.

Most importantly, the Green Party's presence in New Haven politics will bring us a commitment to a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Grassroots democracy is our best hope for bringing us out of machine politics.

Here is the link to the Connecticut Green Party: webpage.

Green Party platforms

  • Clean air
  • Honest government
  • Living wage expansion
  • Cheaper public transportation
  • Civilian review board with subpoena power
  • Unionization efforts
  • Elected Board of Education
  • Prison reform

    Other Useful Links:

  • New Haven Advocate:
  • New Haven Register:
  • New York Times:
  • Physicians for a National Health Program:
  • City of New Haven:

    Email me: