Chapter 298

"I wonder where everyone is," Amy said looking around the classroom.

"Good question," Lita said. "I hear we're getting another new teacher today."

"Makes you wonder what happened to Setsuna," Serena said.

"She's probably doing what she normally does," Amy said.

"Still..where's everyone else," Lita said. "Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, D.V..."

"Greg do you have any ideas?" Amy asked.

"Nope," Greg said.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Lita said.

The door opened and a man walked to the front of the room.

"Greetings, I am Mister Materic.." he said.

"Materic," the four said in surprise.

Then everything erupted into chaos.

The glass of one of the classroom windows shattered, as a figure was thrown dropped through it. Greg watched in surprise as Materic, the real one, landed on the ground and Sailor Aluminum Siren leapt away from the school.

The door to the classroom swung open quickly and Maverick jumped across a desk and swung his sword. Materic blocked it and the two were soon sparring amidst the chaos of the room.

"Let's get out of here," Lita said.

The four scouts moved towards the door.

"Uranus World Shaking!" came a shout. Down the hall a yellow ball of light smashed along the floor towards Prince Metalite.

"Maybe not.." Serena said as the four pulled themselves back inside the room.

"Mercury! Force of Solitude!"

The energy blast hit Materic and blasted him out the window. Maverick dropped a smoke pellet into the room and followed leaping to the ground.

"There we go," Serena said and the four pulled out their power sticks while the smoke rose enveloped the room.

Up on the roof of the building, Sailor Neptune was shooting blasts of energy at Aluminum Siren while avoiding attacks from Lead Crow and Iron Mouse at the same time.

This is getting annoying. She thought.

"Neptune Deep Submerge!" she shouted launching a wave attack. Iron Mouse dived out of the way. Lead Crow leapt around the attack and launched her own barrage. Neptune dodged it with a back flipped and kept firing her mirror.

"Saturn Mist Wave!"

"Hah!" Argosante shouted avoiding it. Saturn swung forward with her silence glaive and met Argosante's energy axe, the two started swinging it at each other.

"You cannot face me, I have more skills," Argosante said.

"I don't care," Saturn said and swung her glaive around and fired it seconds before the axe would come down on her. She stumbled out of the way of the attack as Argosante staggered back.

"Saturn Mist Wave!" she shouted again.

An energy blast intercepted it and knocked it away. Gala stepped in front of Argosante.

"You will have to do better than that," She said.

Sailor Saturn didn't let surprise set in and instead planned her next attack.

"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!"

"Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!"

"Saturn Ice Rings Blast!"

"Uranus World Shaking!"

Prince Metalite dived out of the way of the attacks and raced down a set of stairs. A wall exploded.

"That will cost us," Jupiter said.

"Split up," Uranus said. "Mercury come with me. Jupiter take care of Metalite. Saturn, Sailor Moon, get to the ground."

The group all nodded.

"I've been waiting for this day," Materic said swinging his sword. "You kept me from the power I deserved, I've trained hard, and I will avenge myself on you!"

Maverick said nothing and blocked the sword attacks.

"I'm better than before!" Materic said swing his sword around faster. Maverick barely avoided it and slid back.

"Unfortunately for you, I'm better then you are still," he said.

"What!" Materic said and charged. Maverick launched forward blocking Materic's swing with one sword and jabbing into him with the other one.

Materic staggered back.

Maverick whirled to face Coardite who had leapt out of some nearby bushes. The negaverse commander, complete with regenerated claw fired a barrage at him. Maverick dived out of the way and swung his swords. Coardite blocked them, but Maverick responded with a spinning combination that knocked Coardite's sword away. Maverick dug his swords into the negaverse commander and fired.

The two staggered back.

"Saturn Ice Rings Blast!"

The attack smashed into Coardite and knocked him to the ground.

Materic raced at the Maverick.

Guardian Saturn met him head on and kicked him in the head.

"Moon Tiara Magic!"

The golden disc flew at Coardite, he ducked it.

Sailor Moon hurried up.

"Looks like you need some help," Saturn said.

"Actually..." Maverick said.

"Saturn Mist Wave!"

"Don't insult me!" Gala muttered and leapt quickly knocking Saturn's weapon away and swinging her sword. Saturn was hit and knocked to the ground. There was a moderately sized cut into her shoulder. She let out a shout of pain.

"Gala!" Maverick said leaping forward. Gala met the attack and the two were soon sparring.

"You really are persistent aren't you?" Gala muttered. "Why do you even bother?"

Maverick said nothing.

"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!"

"Uh oh!" Iron Mouse said and met the attack with a blast of her own. The two attacks exploded knocking the five people on the roof down.

"A little too much there," Lead Crow muttered. Aluminum Siren dropped to the rooftop.

"Well...looks like it's showdown time," She said her eyes narrowing.

Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Mercury took up defensive stances. The Sailor Animates also got ready. The roof door blew apart as Prince Metalite leapt through it, Sailor Jupiter leapt after him firing her sword. Metalite leapt off the roof and started floating.

"No you don't!" Jupiter said and leapt off grabbing him.

"You fool!" Metalite shouted as the two fell towards the ground.

"You are not as good as Maverick is," Materic shouted swinging his sword.

"So're wounded!" Guardian Saturn said firing an blast of his sword. Materic dived out of the way to avoid it, wincing as he did so. Saturn waited for the next move. Materic slid forward with great speed knocking Saturn back.

"I'm still the best!" he shouted.

A black figure leapt out of the air and hit him with a black staff.

Materic staggered back to find himself facing Tuxedo Mask.

"Fine then..I'll take you on too," Materic said.

Argosante had since struggled towards the wounded Sailor Saturn. The dark haired girl was limping towards her scythe laying several feet away. Argosante firmed his grip on his ax and swung. Saturn leapt out of the way and landed awkwardly by her glaive. Argosante charged. Saturn picked up the scythe with her uninjured arm swung it. Argosante leapt over it and swung his axe. Saturn backpedaled spinning her scythe as she did so. Argosante attacked again. Saturn fired. Argosante was hit in the head and knocked to the ground yet again. Saturn collapsed to the ground.

Gala flipped backward , Maverick kept with her.

"I give you a choice," Gala said. "Disengage now..and let my forces retreat, or we'll go to the death, neither side will win..."

Maverick stepped back his sword at the ready. Facing her down.

"I thought as much," Gala said. "Everyone let's go!"

The scouts all took up defensive stances at the enemy withdrew again.

Sailor Neptune dropped to the ground, along with Sailor Mercury. They checked on Sailor Jupiter who was still trying to stand up.

"I am never jumping off this building again.." She muttered.

"Saturn you all right?" Neptune asked.

"I am...." Saturn winced. "I don't know.."

"She actually asked to withdraw?" Sailor Uranus asked.

"Yes," Maverick said. "Considering the circumstances, it was probably best to end it here."

"I agree," Sailor Uranus said. "We were deadlocked anyway. Which worries me for other reasons."

Maverick nodded.

"You okay Sailor Moon?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"Sure," Sailor Moon said. "A little confused though. This started and ended pretty quickly."

"Yeah I know," Tuxedo Mask said. "The outers and Maverick had figured it out a few minutes ago. They called me. I was nearby."

"Thanks for showing up," Sailor Moon said. "These guys are getting tougher."

"I know," Tuxedo Mask said. "But we'll beat em."

"I hope so," Sailor Moon said.

Later that day in Lita's room.

"You feeling better Lita?" Amy asked.

"Ouch..." Lita said. "It's nothing, a few bruises here and there..and everywhere.."

Amy grinned.

"Well you should heal soon," she replied.

"That's what I'm hoping," Lita said. "So what happened anyway?"

"Oh..well..Mister Materic was our real substitute teacher, only we suspect he was ambushed by the enemy to make him say he was Mister Materic. They idea was to surprise us, and when we focused on the teacher, the other forces would hit the classroom.. But the outers and Maverick figured saw them before hand and ambushed them when they least expected it," Amy said.

"Stupid sneak attacks," Lita said. "We didn't used to have to deal with them."

"The enemies have gotten smarter," Amy said. "And more dangerous."

"That's true enough," Lita said.

"I figured I'd stick around keep an eye on you while you heal....who knows what the enemy may be up to," Amy said.

"Thanks," Lita said. "Hopefully we scared them off for a while."

"Hotaru are you feeling better?" Doctor Tomoe asked.

"I am more than capable of handling my physical pain," Hotaru said lying in bed. "In fact this amount of rest is unnecessary."

"Oh..yes it is," Tomoe said. "You've got a nasty cut there. Now they say that your scout power will heal it fast, but until then, you just take it easy. have some friends here to keep an eye on you."

He opened the door. Michiru and Greg walked in.

"You doing okay?" Michiru asked.

"No worse then usual," Hotaru said. "I hardly consider these wounds to be a problem."

Michiru grinned.

"I figured that. With the enemy on the prowl like this, we figured we should keep an eye on you while you rested," Michiru said. "Actually it was Greg's idea.

Greg stiffened.

"Your idea is logical," Hotaru said. "Though I am not in need of babysitters."

"Ah..that's where you're wrong," Michiru said. "You're quite vulnerable right now."

"I am always vulnerable, you just need to know what weapons to use," Hotaru said.

"Hotaru..just trust me and stop complaining," Michiru said.

"I am not complaining," Hotaru said. "Merely stating facts."

Michiru sighed.

"Hotaru please..we're here to help, please be gracious in accepting it," Greg said.

"When you put it that way I understand that I am perhaps being rude," Hotaru said. "I'm sorry. You do have a way of teaching me the true meaning of things, Greg, I wish you would continue to do so."

"I'll do my best," Greg said.

"Tell you what? Why don't you two talk right would be a good time," Michiru said. "I'll just hang around here...but you two...discuss things."

The green haired girl headed out leaving the two together.

'Did you manage to get scans of them?" Haruka asked.

"Yes," Patterson said typing away at his computer. "I am cross referencing them with previous scans right now."

"Are you suspicious the same way I am that these enemies aren't at full strength?"

Patterson nodded.

"There we go.." Haruka said.

Data appeared on the view screen.

"They aren't at full strength. All of them are lower then normal," Haruka said.

"They might be holding back to fool us, still...why do that? If they had their full power they would be capable of fighting us off," Patterson said.

"Are you sure?" Haruka asked. "I mean the scouts have increased in power."

"Yes that's true, but that means more when dealing with a single enemy," Patterson said. "The scouts' major powers require their enemy to be weakened already, or willing to accept battle. But the fast moving animates, Argosante, and the like won't be hit with the high powered energy at first."

"Agreed," Haruka said.

"So...the battle could go two ways, still..if those enemies were at full power, I think we might win, but we might lose some lives in the process."

"I know," Haruka said. "But if that happens. Do you agree with me, that's it's our lives that should be lost first?"

"I always try to put myself in that position," Patterson said.

"If this enemy gets stronger we'll have to do all that we can to stop them."

"I know."

"Let's go over that data again, I want to be as well up on this knowledge as you are."

Patterson nodded.

Serena and Darrien were headed down a sidewalk through the shopping district.

"When will they stop bothering us so much?" Serena said. "I'd be willing to fight them if they just named a time and a place and we went out to settle it. Instead, all this sneak attacks and such. It's so annoying."

"It's more than annoying," Darrien said solemnly. "This isn't what we signed up for right?"

"I was drafted," Serena said. "But let's not get too depressed. How is your work coming?"

"I have no idea," Darrien said. "These battles have been a little distracting, and it's so hard for me to" he trailed off.

"Darrien what is it?" Serena asked with concern.

"That's it!" Darrien said. "It's brilliant!"

"What is?"

"Come on!" Darrien said and hurried to the door. Serena sighed.

"So he's irrationally excited and I'm left to wonder why. There's a role switch for ya," she said before following.

"These wounds are nothing. I do not need to recuperate like this," Hotaru muttered.

"Sure you do," Greg said. "I mean..sure I guess compared to the way you must have felt emotionally, this might seem like nothing, but it's still pain Hotaru."

"Pain is subjective, if you don't feel it, it isn't there."

"Yes, but you can't honestly not feel it."

"I don't feel it," Hotaru said. "I am able to block out my pain, it allows me to live. When I focus on the pain I can neutralize it."

"I see." Greg said. "But it must take a lot of concentration."

"Yes, but as you can see I am doing nothing else," Hotaru said. "But if I were to actually be involved in a worthwhile activity I would not need to eliminate my pain, it would negate itself on it's own, instead I'm supposed to lie here."

"I know what you mean.." Greg said. "I've felt like that, whether it's true or not.."


"You know I was injured once, a lot...I just lay there hurting, thinking, there has got to be something I can be doing, even if it did hurt," Greg said.

" you understand," Hotaru said. "Unfortunately I do not need distraction, I would prefer it."

"Well what would you do if you could?"

"I don't know, I have no interests," Hotaru said. "I don't remember what they were."

"Oh..I've had that problem myself," Greg said.

"How? You're normal," Hotaru said.

"Uh..well yes," Greg said. "But you're normal too, Hotaru, you just had some unusual things happen."

"That doesn't matter, why do you have the same afflictions I do? You have not endured what I had to?"

"Well..Hotaru, part of being human is having problems."

"Yes, that's true, but your problems should be minor compared to someone like me."

"Well I guess, but just the way things have worked out, I really haven't been sure of my interests."

"Then maybe you aren't as well off as I suspected."

"Oh.." Greg said.

"Perhaps I am making more progress then I thought as well. I always believe that to reach normal humanity you're mind becomes clear, but that isn't true is it?" Hotaru said.

"I don't believe anyone has a perfectly clear mind, maybe some of those monks or something," Greg said. "But..uh..if that's what you're worried about, that's not a problem, that is normal."

"Hmm...I guess I have much to think about," Hotaru said. "But I need you."


"I need you to help me.."

"Like I have before."

" make it all clear."

"Well okay," Greg said.

"Thank you," Hotaru said. "Now explain to me why you don't have any interests."

"Uh..well I can't."


"Because I don't know."


"Uh..Hotaru, I don't it works...I just don't know."

"I see," Hotaru said. "Interesting."

Greg sighed.

"No..this is educational," Hotaru said.

"That's good," Greg said. "At least someone's finding something out."

"Ah..Darrien Shields, so what brings you by?" General Patterson asked.

"Uh..General, just before he says anything that might be embarrassing or strange, I had nothing to do with this, I'm just his fiance," Serena said.

"All right.." Patterson said skeptically.

"Sir..I work in the space program," Darrien said.

"I know," Patterson said. "I bet they're glad to have you."

"That's debatable," Darrien said. "However, I had an idea...which I don't know is feasible or not, but you are the army's head of strange phenomena and such..and well..sir...I was thinking we could use negaenergy to power the rockets."

"What?" Serena said in shock.

"That's a very strange idea," Patterson said. "Albeit tempting."

"Sir, I know there are risks involved, but.." Darrien said.

"It is worth looking into," Patterson said. "Have you spoken to your superiors yet?"

"No sir, I didn't know if it could work," Darrien said. "I wanted to ask you first."

" might," the General said and picked up a phone. "Get me Doctor Richter."

"Darrien are you sure about this?" Serena asked. "I mean this is negaenergy here.."

"Yes Serena, but they've used negaenergy to fight evil before, it's not necessary evil itself," Darrien said.

"Yeah, but.." Serena said.

"Darrien, I want you meet with Doctor Richter, he'll know whether we can do this or not," Patterson said.

"Yes sir," Darrien said.

"Uh I think I'll be going tomorrow," Serena said. "Assuming we had a school left.."

"Another attack huh?" General Patterson asked.

"Uh huh," Serena said.

"Serena how will you get back without me?" Darrien asked.

"Oh..uh..guess I'm stuck," Serena said. "Oh goodie."

"Don't worry Serena, there's nothing to fear," General Patterson said.

"Let's see, there's your mad scientist, and then there's my fiance who's got a screw loose, I'd say there's something to worry about," Serena said.

"Calm down Serena, it will be all right," Darrien said.

"Darrien you know I love you and I trust your judgement, but you've proven yourself capable of doing stupid things before, and this could just be another one of those times," Serena said.

"But Serena this isn't a relationship, this is science, I won't make a mistake here," Darrien said.

"So you're more careful with your job then with the girl destined to marry you!" Serena shouted.

"I didn't say that.."

"Yes you did!"

General Patterson slipped out the door as the two began arguing.

"Crazy kids," he muttered.

"So Gala, you're latest plan didn't work," Prince Metalite said.

"It worked fine," Gala said. "I am still judging the power of the scouts at this time. I have received a good idea of what they are capable of. Now I am ready to move ahead."

"With what?" Metalite asked.

"The mission as it was intended. The collection of star seeds," Gala said.

"How are we supposed to find them Gala?" Iron Mouse said.

"Yeah, they're pretty hard to find," Lead Crow said.

"Not anymore," Gala said. "I did some research, and some thought on these star seeds, who might have them and why. My mother didn't even understand them completely, but I did research while she was busy conquering planets. The Earth is a much more complex planet then most of the ones we've invaded, and so it required some higher level thought. Now I have a target for you all."

"All of us?" Lead Crow asked.

"Well yes, it won't take all of you to get the target, but it will take of all to win," Gala said. "So listen closely.."

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