Chapter 300

Sailor Moon knelt over her fallen love, holding back tears.

"Darrien? Come on..are you there?" She said.

"No one can survive without their star seed!" Gala said breaking away from Sailor Neptune and firing a blast of energy at Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon was hit by it and thrown into a wall, she was overwhelmed by sorrow.

"Jupiter ThunderClap Zap!" Jupiter shouted in anger. She hit Materic over and over again knocking him against the wall.

"Neptune Deep Submerge!" Neptune shouted.

Gala ducked out of the way, grinning.

"It appears my trap hasn't worked exactly however..I have what I needed..and now I will destroy all of you!'

She leapt down the hall. Materic followed.

"What do we do?" Jupiter asked.

"If they go after the other scouts we have to follow them.." Neptune said.

"But Sailor Moon.." Jupiter said.

"I'm sorry Jupiter..we have to let her get through this on her own right now...I know it's..hard.." Neptune said.

"It's more than that," Jupiter said.

"I know," Neptune said. "But the others need us."

Jupiter hesitated and then nodded.

Sailor Moon lay in shock as the other two hurried off.

"Uranus World Shaking!" Uranus shouted launching an attack. Sailor Iron Mouse dived out of a window, followed by the golden ball of energy right behind it. Sailor Uranus jumped after her.

A window shattered as Maverick was blasted through it. Sailor Lead Crow and Aluminum Siren hurried after him. He whirled and fired blasts at them causing them to duck.

The two sides were soon facing off.

"They killed Darrien," Sailor Jupiter said. "They'll pay for this."

The group all nodded.

"Just try and stop us," Gala said with a grin. "We're more powerful then ever."

"Mercury Bubbles Blast!" Mercury shouted. The battlefield was covered with fog.

"No way!" Metalite shouted and blasted the fog away before the scouts could make a move.

A barrage of energy was launched from the enemies. The scouts dodged it and moved to attack.

Sailor Uranus dived over a spike of energy and through a crescent sword blast at Iron Mouse. Iron Mouse blasted it away with an energy blast of her own and then leapt backward.

"Come and get me," She said.

Uranus leapt forward.

"Neptune Deep Submerge!" Neptune had shouted after avoiding an attack of her own. Aluminum Siren quickly jumped into the air to avoid it. Neptune fired off a shot from her mirror, but Siren knocked it away despite her vulnerability and instead rained energy down on Neptune, who barely avoided it.

Sailor Saturn swung her mist wave at Lead Crow. Lead Crow grinned and jumped over it throwing a barrage of energy disks at the blue clad scout. Saturn leapt away from it awkwardly, but was hit from another barrage as Lead Crow leapt towards her. Saturn whirled and swung her scythe, Lead Crow barely avoided it and hit her again with a blast knocking her to the ground.

Guardian Saturn quickly engaged Argosante. The two swung their weapons at each other and blocked and parried. But Argosante's speed was increasing. Saturn jumped back quickly as Argosante swung his axe. Saturn felt the nick on his arm.

I can't possibly keep up with him. I have to..

The axe flew at him, he dived out of the way again barely, but Argosante kept the onslaught coming.

Coardite unleashed and energy attack wave that Sailor Mercury was unprepared for. Her Ice Storm smashed into it, but only dampened the effects of the attack. She was thrown to the ground. Coardite sent a blast flying along the earth. She rolled out of the way of it as Coardite drew an energy sword and jabbed at her.

"Mercury Bubbles Blast!" she shouted at close range. The mist smashed into Coardite. He let out a yell of surprise. Mercury rolled back.

"Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" she shouted. Coardite leapt over the attack right at her. She dodged it and tried to figure out what she could do.

Jupiter and Prince Metalite were trading energy blasts as quickly as possible. Each was doing their best to dodge the other as the attacks went back and forth.

"Even if you were to hit me, it wouldn't hurt," Metalite boasted.

I'm just keeping you occupied. Jupiter thought. Still keeping him occupied until what? They're stronger and we're weaker.

"Come on!" Materic shouted leaping at Maverick firing barrages of energy as he did so.

"So much for a sword fight," Maverick shouted. "Mercury Force of Solitude!"

The two barrages missed their mark. Materic swung forward with his sword. Maverick met it and the two went back and forth again.

"HAH!" Materic shouted. A blast of energy hit Maverick before he could react. He was thrown to the ground.

"Surprise!" Materic said.

Maverick stood back up and fired a massive barrage wincing as he did do. Materic dived out of the way.

Gala conserved her strength. There was no point in getting involved in the battles. Her minions had things well under control and if that changed, well, she'd do something. Still..the scouts would soon exhaust their energy, and her forces would destroy them. She grinned. This is what she had been waiting for.

She avoided the black wave of energy that flew at her from an angle and whirled. Sailor Pluto dropped to the ground.

Gala grinned.

"Well..all right..but I promise you, you will not survive this," Gala said.

"I don't particularly care what you think," Sailor Pluto said swinging her staff and unleashing energy as she did so.

"Now that isn't going to work!" Gala shouted and swung forward with her sword. Sailor Pluto blocked it, but Gala reacted and cut Pluto on the arm. Pluto returned with a swing of her own, but Gala kept swinging.

"You have no skills," Gala said.

Pluto swung into one of Gala's attacks taking the hit, she fired her staff anyway. Gala backed off. Pluto winced.

" won't save you in the end," Gala said.

"Maybe not.." Pluto said.

Four energy blasts flew at Gala. She leapt away in surprise. The four negaverse Generals landed beside Pluto.

Gala grinned.

"So there you are, I was wondering when you'd get involved," she said. She looked around. Her forces had backed off as eight other figures stood ready for combat. The dark moon warriors.

" too..." Gala said. "Well..I happen to know all of you might have been some dangerous enemies once. But no longer! I will swat you aside!"

Massive attacks flew from the enemies. The dark moon and negaverse warriors unleashed their own attacks.

Malichite drew his ultraviolet energy blades and swung at Materic. The two were soon brawling. Zoicite drew her own blade of ice and started fighting with Argosante. Jaedite and Nephlite began launching attacks at Coardite. Prince Metalite faced Prince Diamond energy for energy. Lead Crow, Iron Mouse, and Aluminum Siren stood off against the four sisters. Rubeus, Emerald, and Saphire launched attacks at Gala herself.

"No matter!" Gala said leaping forward and swinging her sword quickly. The three dark moon warriors, could only try to avoid the attack at their best. The scouts all did their best to recover as their former enemies fought for them.

"Pluto where have you been?" Sailor Uranus asked.

"There's no time for that, we have to develop a plan, they can't hold out for very long," Sailor Pluto said. "Their power is maybe a quarter of what it used to be."

The battle ended quickly, the dark moon and negaverse warriors were heavily wounded. Gala's forces were slightly wounded as well.

"Now..with all the interruptions over.." Gala said. The eight warriors attacked. The scouts once again went on the defensive the best they could. This time Maverick leapt at Gala instead of Materic. Guardian Saturn slid in front of the sword fighting warrior knowing his chances were few.

"Very well, I will kill you first," Materic said.

In surprise three colored blasts swung into Materic from behind. Guardian Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto dropped to the ground.

"Let's give em a gang beating!" Pluto shouted. The four Guardian's attacked Materic all at once. He let out a shout and fired back.

"The outer Guardians, thank goodness," Sailor Pluto said. But will they be enough? She thought avoiding Argosante's quick axe attack.

"We've gotta do this for Sailor Moon!" Jupiter shouted.

The scouts kept fighting, harder, and harder. The enemy forces kept fighting back.

"We can keep going much longer then you can!" Gala shouted swinging at Maverick.

"More reason for us to end this now!" Maverick shouted swinging at her swiping a cut across her cheek.

"YOU!" Gala shouted and swung back with a massive fury. Maverick blocked it as she hacked at him.

"I'll destroy you!" She shouted.

"Anger is your worst enemy!" Maverick shouted cutting her arm and leaping out of the way. Gala fired her sword rapidly.

"You'll pay for this," she shouted and charged at him.

Maverick was well aware that he was in deep trouble.

The scouts were losing. It was obvious. Despite their efforts, they couldn't avoid the attacks and match the strength of the star seed powered enemies. Sailor Jupiter was on one knee firing back at the animates. Guardian Pluto stood beside her fending off attacks. The new arrivals had stemmed the tide, but not enough.

"Finish them!" Gala shouted.

Five energy blasts hit her dead on and knocked her to the ground. She fell and shouted. The inner Guardians leapt to the ground flanked by Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars.

"Oh geez..them too," Lead Crow said.

"Gala..what do we do know?" Prince Metalite, covered in bruises asked.

"Retreat," Gala said and winced. The group all hurried off.

"Looks like we arrived just in time," Guardian Venus said.

"But..what..happened?" Sailor Mars said. "Guys..we didn't know it was this should have told us."

"Well..we had our reasons," Jupiter said wincing. "Sailor"

"I know.." Sailor Pluto said. "You all recover..I'll find Sailor Moon."

"What about Darrien?" Sailor Mars asked worriedly.

"They got his star seed," Jupiter said suppressing tears.

"...then there is no hope?" Guardian Jupiter said.

"That's not true," Sailor Mercury said wincing. "Sailor Moon can follow Darrien to the afterlife, she can bring him back."

"That's right..I hope it is," Sailor Mars said.

"I see..." Guardian Jupiter said. "Then maybe there still is a chance."

"But she only has so much time to do it," Sailor Mars said.

Sailor Pluto crept through the damaged science building, darkened by the fighting. Sailor Moon huddled in the darkness crying.

"Sailor Moon.." Pluto said.

"I..." Sailor Moon said.

"We can save him..but you have to go..."


"You know Sailor know what you can do.." Sailor Pluto said.

Sailor Moon stood up slowly and collapsed.

"Sailor Moon..come on..don't give up on him. He needs you," Sailor Pluto said.

Sailor Moon nodded.

"I will.." she said.. "I'll.."

She began to crawl across the room towards Darrien.

"I'm..going.." she said. There was a massive flash of light and she disappeared.

Sailor Pluto watched her go and then fell to the ground staring at the gash in her chest.

Serena found herself on the streets of Tokyo wearing a strange outfit.

"I know Raye described this place..but it's so unreal," She said. "Now where's Darrien."

"Ah..impatient aren't we?" the Guide said appearing in front of her.

"Wouldn't you be if your true love was dead and you wanted them back?" Serena said angrily.

"Hmm..I suppose so..but then again that's why you're here isn't it. Let's be on our way then," the guide said.

"Where are we going?"

"The university..where your love is," the Guide said.

"Shouldn't we take a car or something?" Serena asked.

" can't drive, and neither can I,"the Guide said.

"Yes, but what about someone else driving."

"That could work," the guide said. "But you would have to find such a person that would drive you."

"I will," Serena said and walked over to where a man was standing by his car.


"Yes...what a pity such a young girl like yourself has died at a young age.." he said.

"No, no I'm still alive," Serena said.

"But you're here."

"Yes, it's complex..listen..could you give me a ride?"

"A ride? Where?"

"Well...there's someone I have to see my true see...we were..."

"What do you mean you're not dead?"


"You must be.."

"All right I am..and I want to be united with my lover in death..all right.." Serena said.

"Well I guess I should help you then," the man said. "Where is he?"

"The university."

"Ah..all right..get in," the man said.

Serena overcome by her enthusiasm made a thumbs up to the guide who hurried up.

"Uh..he's with me," Serena said.

"Uh..okay.." the man said as the two got in.

"Well..this is surprising," the guide said.

"No one can resist me," Serena said.

"Whatever," the guide said.

"Isn't this a nice car?" The man said as it pulled away from the curb.

"Uh..sure is," Serena said.

"Yeah.too bad I had to go and drive it off a pier..ey?" the man said.

"Some people gain a sense of humor about their demise," the guide said.

"That's awful," Serena muttered.

"So how'd you go?" the man asked.

"Me...uh well.." Serena said. "I..uh..poison."

"Poison?" the man asked.

"Yeah, it's really not a good story..if you please..we shouldn't talk about it," Serena said.

"All right, if you insist," The man said. "We'll be there in no time."

"Just don't drive off a pier again all right?" Serena asked.

"Sure.." the man said. "Fortunately we're no where near water."

Serena sighed.

"There were other people on the street you know," The guide said.

"You're not a lot of help you know that. Raye didn't like you very much," Serena said.

"I'm sorry to hear that, how is she doing?" the guide asked.

"Fine, fine, she's a big star now. And Rick is doing well too," Serena said.

"So did he have a spiritual revival like most of our resurrected types do?"

"Nope, not really," Serena said.

"He what?"

"Sure, almost like nothing had happened," Serena said.

"That's very strange," the guide said.

"Well..that kind of stuff's been known to happen," Serena said. "We're a pretty weird bunch."

"And yet they let you protect the planet," the guide said.

"Uh huh," Serena said. "Say..I remember Raye told me something else, about how all our old enemies showed up and tried to get us, and we couldn't use weapons or anything."

"Well yes, that is an unfortunate consequence. I fear that when you arrive at the university you will have to face some old demons of yours," the guide said.

"And how am I supposed to stop them without anything to fight them with?" Serena asked.

"Well..there are ways," the guide said.

"Which you didn't bother to tell Raye."

"It wasn't necessary, she had friends to help her out."

"Well I'm sure I will too.."

"If you do it'll make things easier," the guide said.

"Wonderful," Serena said. "I won't let them stop me though. I can't."

"Yes..well..we'll see. Bringing someone back from the dead isn't supposed to be easy," the guide said.

"It was pretty easy for Raye."

"Raye had different circumstances."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that she had experienced so much death, that she understood it better. She also received an easier road because of that," the guide said.

"Oh.." Serena said. "I've never faced real death before.."

"That's right," the guide said. "And as're task will be harder.."

"But wait..I've faced the fear, I've almost lost my friends and my own life tons of times. Doesn't that count for something?"

"Well yes, but..."

"But what? And doesn't it help Darrien that he's had to deal with it?"

"Well..I..don't really know how all the rules will work out in this situation."

"You're supposed to be a godlike god or something! How can you not know?"

"Well...this is very complex," The guide said. "We don't get many resurrections."

"Raye's right, you are no help," Serena muttered.

The car skidded to a stop outside the gates of Tokyo University.

"Why can't you drive in?" Serena asked.

"Not sure, I just can't," The man said. "Sorry."

"Well here we go.." Serena said and got out. The guide followed.

"Something tells me this is where the trouble starts.." she muttered.

"That we agree upon," came a voice. Serena shuddered as Queen Beryl appeared in front of her.

"How nice of you to come right into our grasp," Queen Galaxia added also appearing. Around them appeared the numerous youmas, daimons, and other monsters that she had destroyed in all the time that she had been Sailor Moon.

" am I supposed to fight all of them...I couldn't even if I was Sailor Moon," Serena said worriedly.

"You can't fight us," Beryl said. "And you have to face us to get to him."

"You could turn back, but then he would die," Galaxia said.

Serena stared at them worriedly.

"There's no need for such dramatics!" came a shout. Standing beside a police car were several figures that Serena recognized.

"Mister and Misses Patterson. Mister and Misses Hino. Grandpa Hino," Serena said in surprise.

They all nodded.

"And we're not alone," Grandpa Hino said. "We couldn't just let you get beaten like this, so we brought along some friends to help you out since you've done so much for so many people."

"Oh.." Serena said in surprise.

"This is strange," the guide said.

A mass of people emerged from the street heading towards the city.

"What is happening?" Beryl snapped.

"Simply that the entire population of Tokyo that has ever existed is coming to her aid," Mister Patterson said. " maybe all powerful, but prepare for combat!"

"Uh Serena dear, you might want to get up here.." Misses Patterson said. And the group lifted Serena on top of the police car. A mob of citizens from various points in history rushed forward and swamped the youmas.

"You brat!" Queen Beryl shouted.

"This isn't over," Queen Galaxia shouted.

"I think it is," Serena said. "But how am I supposed to get in there now?"

A helicopter hovered overhead.

"'ve got everything in the afterlife," Serena said.

"Well...yes...just be careful up there..the pilot crashed one too many times," the guide said.

"Thank you all," Serena said.

"You've preserved the planet's future, everyone owes you," Mister Hino said.

Serena got into the helicopter and it lifted towards the science building. It landed and Serena rushed in the door and down the hallway. Darrien stood there speaking to two people. Serena watched in surprise.

"His parents," She said to herself and slowly approached.

"Serena," Darrien said seeing her. "You came for me?" he asked sensing she wasn't dead.

" didn't expect anything else did you?" Serena asked.

Darrien smiled.

"Serena, meet my parents," Darrien said.

The two nodded.

"So this is the girl you're going to marry," his mother said. "She seems like a good choice."

"Especially after she came all this way for you," his father said.

"Yes, that's why I love her," Darrien said. "Well..I guess we should go..don't want to get Serena caught here."

His parents smiled.

"Yes, go live your life," his father said.

"Remember we love you," his mother said.

Darrien hugged them and Serena and he walked back out of the science building.

The brawl continued outside.

"What's happening?" Darrien asked in surprise.

"Uh..long story," Serena said.

"Time to go," the guide said.

Pluto, watched as Sailor Moon stirred and woke up. Darrien's eyes opened and he began to stand up.

"Oh Darrien!" Sailor Moon said hugging him.

"Serena.." he said.

Sailor Pluto sighed with relief.

"I almost lost you," Sailor Moon said.

"But you didn't," Darrien said.

Sailor Moon said nothing, but continued to cry and hug him. Darrien just embraced her for as long as she needed it.

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