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Photo's by Peirce Behrendt
Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge MA
Danbury Railway Museum, Danbury, CT
Taken at Magic Wings, South Deerfield, MA
By Charlotte Corry Partin
Oh, how I long for innocent days...
for quiet times, for simple ways.

That lovely era when air was sweet;
crack-houses weren't on every street.

I yearn for the years that
true love lived-
when "Mother" wasn't an adjective!

I wish I could see eyes fill with tears
whenever our country's flag appears.

I'd love to go back when all of our ills
weren't used as fodder for "Oprah's and Phil's"

I pine to cross over the welcome mat
of a traditional family with a dog and cat!

Other old "relics" I'd like to see:
Honor, Justice and Loyalty !

Those innocent days are now lost in time...
but it is so joyful to bring them to mind!