ASL Club Meeting Minutes



Meeting: April 12, 2006    1 1/2 hours
Last night at the meeting we had a good turnout!! We voted for officers and we talked about Deaf Extreme.  Marie will be e-mailing us the sheet with times we signed up for this.  Also, our new officers are:
President: Jadie Scarborough
Vice President: Brandi Watson
Secretary: Jennifer (forgot last name.. sorry!)
Treasurer: Jessi Deems
That's all we covered last night at the meeting!!!



Meeting: Tuesday, March 28; 30 minutes


Deaf Extreme on April 18th. This is the first time that VSU will be hosting this. We will have two tables set up- Deaf Education and ASL Club. We need volunteers to sign up to sit at these tables for an hour. This is an opportunity for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students and their parents to learn more about colleges and what they have to offer. The time for this is 9am-3pm.

Workshop in Valdosta – more information will be available.

The next club meeting will be important.  This will be the week before Deaf Extreme.

It was proposed that we host our meetings at a restaurant to make it more informal.



The next meeting is April 11th at 6:30 and it will be held at Rodeo.



ASL Club Meeting – 2/28/06 – 7:30 p.m. – SLP 203 – 15 people attended


        FSDB Dance Troupe will be performing on March 9th at 10:30 a.m. in the Magnolia Room of the University Center. We will wear our ASL Club t-shirts to the performance. The Access Offices providing lunch for the performers (there are 30 performers) – all club members are invited to attend. However, you need to let Christia know by Friday, March 3rd, if you will be eating lunch and the cost will be $750. Also, Christia needs help putting together packets of information for the performers about VSU and also goody bags. If you would like to contribute to the goody bags (candy, baked goods, etc.) please drop off the items in the Student Services office – in Nevins Hall 1115 Also, if you would like to help put the packets and bags together, e-mail Christia or Marie.


      Deaf Extreme will be Tuesday, April 18th from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Students ages 13-21 (approx. 8th-12th grades) will be in attendance.  ASL Club will have a booth set up on this day, and we will wear our ASL Club t-shirts.  Marie requests if you have pictures from past events with the club, please let her have a copy to use for display.  If you can sit at the booth, e-mail Marie and let her know what time you are available – she will make a schedule and let everyone know who has signed up to work the booth.  Also, Christia needs volunteers to help give assistance (directions to restrooms, etc.) to the students and other people in attendance.  Groups will be assigned by color and will rotate to the different venues – volunteers will also be needed to escort these groups to the correct place.  Please e-mail Christia with the time that you will be able to volunteer. It is important that volunteers be able to sign and communicate with the students.


      Captioned Movie Day will be held on Friday, April 28th. Marie has the theater reserved at UC to show the movie. Lunch will be at Drexel Park.


      Marie asked for ideas for workshops that could be held on campus to raise money.  Professor Newell suggested “DEAF WORLD”.  In this we would have a “mock” community set up for people to come in and experience what a Deaf person would experience in a hearing world: a bank, an employment office, restaurants, etc. would be set up for the experience and attendees would have to interact only using gestural systems in order to communicate their needs; after, there would be a time for discussion. Christia suggested that we wait until the last week of September and host it during Deaf Awareness Week. Fraternities and Sororities could attend, as well as FYE classes. (Alana’s added idea – have SLP and SPEC Ed. majors attend as well.)

      The suggestion was made for us to host a workshop for working interpreters (as well as interpreting majors) at VSU in order to raise money. The money raised would be used for a specific purpose.  People in attendance voted on a topic for the workshop from the following suggested topics: classifiers, fingerspelling and numbers, voicing, sexual signs and drug use, medical interpreting, story telling, nonmanuals, and religious interpreting.  Classifiers won the vote, with fingerspelling and numbers, and story telling being right behind in the vote.  We will charge between $25-40 for the workshop and it will be help April 8th. Professor Newell is checking on a guest speaker, but if this does not work out, our back-up speaker will be Jeanne Ames. 


      It was decided that Professor Newell’s name will be replace Dr. Scheetz’s name on the bank account since he is now the club sponsor.


      Also, because we had voice interpretation at this meeting, it was decided that from now on, all meetings will be ‘voice-off’. Also if a member is bringing someone that does not know any of sign language then she/he will be responsible for voicing for their guest.


      The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 28th at 7:30 p.m. in room 203 of the SLP building.  Topics will include the Classifier workshop and the Movie Day.



The meeting tonight went very well!! We got many things accomplished...
1) Bake sale: 
We raised $213.35!! We will be sending it to LSD for 
hurricane relief.
2) T-shirts:
We discussed the sign off of Napoleon Dynamite and the 
sign for Equality. Color: Turquoise  We need them ready before Oct.7, 
and let Tracy Shaver know if you didn't get to order one and you still 
want one. 
3) Homecoming week: 
theme- "Coming Home to the Champions"
ideas.. train
Parade: 6:00 PM DO NOT BE LATE... need to be there by 5:00 Mathis City 
We also voted whether to participate in certain Homecoming activities 
or not. We have decided not to participate in any activities except homecoming parade.
4) Workshop coming up in October: 
pepnet program. This workshop will be on designing, implementing and managing successful English programs. Focusing on language and literacy programs for students who are deaf or hard of hearing in educational settings. 
        Where? Continuing Education building (across from lee's 
I believe that it is for free. It will be on Oct 20th (Thursday). please contact dr. scheetz as she might have more info about it. here's her email address...
Hope you can make it & have a great weekend!!!
Brandi Wilson
SIGN Secretary 




SIGN -11/1/04
Started 6:10pm

12 people attended

Group activity
Operation Christmas Child
$5 for a shoe box
Cicely, Abby and Catherine will go shopping for gifts to put in the box.  Picture from the parade will be included in the box. Abby will find a big boot shoe box that the club will send to a Deaf child and if anyone wants to send a box individually you can get the brochures from Dr. Scheetz.  We will send this either right before or right after Thanksgiving.

We will discuss more for next semester.  Possibly will have a bake sale maybe on the street corner outside of the SLP building or in the Student Union

Catherine is putting in another t-shirt order, if you want to order one let her know by Thursday through yahoo groups.

Anyone can go to the events page and request to be admitted to the yahoo sign group. Also look here for updates about upcoming activities.


$5 due on 11/1 or as soon as possible. Give money to any of the following: Alana, Catherine, Dr. Scheetz or Professor Newell.

We showed the video from news about the Relay Tutoring that was taped today.

Langdale Signing
Possibly next semester have a signing workshop in Langdale Dorm.  Maybe Deaf Deaf world

Atlanta Silent Dinner
1st weekend in Dec.
Cicely's house is available to stay
Dinner starts at 6pm.

Library resources
A lot of sign books for technology signs, CD Roms, books and tapes.

Christmas Party
Invite Deaf children in the area and from schools
Maybe we could have the meeting in one of the schools in the area.
We need to come up with ideas for games to play.
Everyone should bring some kind of food to come.
November 29 with a time TBA later.




S.I.G.N. Meeting – 10/18/04


- T-shirts:
            selling in
Tallahassee at Silent Dinner for a

couple dollars more per shirt in order to make small profit


- New member: Heather Payne


- Alcohol Awareness:
            - Kelly will work 12-1 in addition to Catherine

  and Erin


- Brittany will work 1-2 in additions to 

  Catherine and Marie (Brittany has to leave at

  1:50, Catherine has to leave at 1:45, and

  Marie will arrive after 1:20)


- Dr. Scheetz – donating big bag of candy to

  hand out at the table, and she is also

  getting 15 copies of each brochure


-Silent Dinner – in Atlanta – November 6th ?details will be discussed at next meeting


- Fund Raisers

            -Brittany’s parents business – inflatables


-bake sale


- car wash – maybe getting “too cool” to do

  this now?


- SIGN – A –THON – Dr. Scheetz’s suggestion was

  to have sponsors for signing for a

  certain amount of time; sign songs, skits,

  etc.; in UC, Palms Quad??


- details of fund raisers will be discussed at

  next meeting


-Service Project

- Dr. Scheetz suggested the “Operation

  Christmas Child” – sending shoeboxes overseas

  to underprivileged children



SIGN meeting: 10/14/04



~Color -- Vote was taken: short sleeve shirts:      gray with red writing; long sleeve shirts: purple with white writing

~make checks payable to Catherine Banks or S.I.G.N.


~designs were decided on, but later changed


Homecoming Parade:

~Friday October 15 at
5 p.m.

~Theme: “Torch the Tigers”


~need trailer (use hay on the trailer), truck; bring own candy (Sam’s – big bags of candy)!

~make posters


~decorate – Wednesday the 13th at 5 p.m. and  Thursday the 14th at 8 p.m. in the Rec. Center parking lot


~supplies: Catherine will pay for them and the club will reimburse her

~”Fingerpainting” – our hands all over the float

~banners on the side of the trailer (black and orange paper; white words and hands)


~dessert bake-off: Tuesday 12th – desserts turned into Student Life by 10 a.m. – Erin Burns and Cicely will participate

~Pep Rally – Thursday at 7 p.m.


Alcohol Awareness Fair:

~Thursday, October 21st from
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.


~location: Palms Quad


~start setting up at 10 or 10:30

~Times at table: 11-12: Cicely and Marlena; 12-1: Catherine and Erin; 1-2: Catherine and Marie (Marie will arrive after 1:20)

~Dr. Sheetz proposed that SIGN pay for the $75 registration fee for Erin Perry at SERID Conference


~$5 dues are to be paid by November 1st!

Opportunity in Moultrie: Catherine Mayberry: after school program – kids sign club; involvement with them?; it was decided that we would discuss details of this after Homecoming


September 14, 2004

First order of business: New Officers

- We discussed the roles and responsibilities of each office.
   - Nominations/Voting:
               - President: Marie and Catherine

                                                 Votes were tallied – Catherine

                                     - Vice President: Cicely and Marie
                                                 Votes were tallied -- Marie

                                     - Secretary: Erin (SR) and Alana

                                                 Votes were tallied – Erin (SR)

                                     - Treasurer: Teela  and Alana
                                                 Votes were tallied – Alana


Second order of business: Activities/Fundrasiers

- Deaf Awareness Week

            - Homecoming

- Professor Newell suggested “It’s a deaf deaf world”

- workshop setting: have a “mock” community set up for SPEC Ed. And SLP majors to come in and experience what a Deaf person would experience in a hearing world; a bank, an employment office, restaurants, etc. would be set up for the experience and attendees would have to interact only using gestural systems in order to communicate their needs; after, there would be a time for discussion

- T-shirts

- Catherine knows a guy that makes t-shirts, and he can make our t-shirts

- on the front: just a pocket design and then a larger design on the back

                        - past colors: black, red, gray

- everyone is to think of ideas for design and color and come prepared to the next meeting

- Also, everyone is to think of ideas for fund-raisers and come prepared to the next meeting

                        - past fundraisers: bake sales, workshops


Third order of business: Meeting Times

            - Mondays at 6 p.m.

            - Meet twice a month

            - Next meeting: September 27th



Thursday, October 9, 2003

* T-shirts: T-shirts have already been ordered and should arrive in time for the Homecoming parade. If you gave a t-shirt order to Emily, then you should turn in your money to Dr. Scheetz or one of the officers by Wednesday, Oct. 15.It is $9 for a short sleeve and $11 for a long sleeve t-shirt.

*Homecoming: Next week, Oct 13-18, is Homecoming week. The theme this year is Alive with Blazer Pride. SIGN members are encouraged to participate in as many events of the week as they can. We will have a float in the parade on Friday afternoon. We will be meeting twice to make decorations: Wednesday at
5:00 and Thursday at 8:30. Both times we will meet in the Sustella parking lot behind the Rec. Center. We will have some supplies, but if you have any paint or glitter or anything else, bring it. We want everyone to ride through the parade if they can. The parade starts at 5:00 in the Mathis auditorium parking lot. Be there a little before.

*Workshop: A website has been set up for everyone to register for the workshop that will be held on November 1st. We really encourage registering so that we can know how many to expect. There is a link to the page on SIGN's homepage or you can click here.

Dues are still due and many have not yet paid. You can pay Dr. Scheetz.
Thanks to everyone for coming to the meeting and being involved with SIGN. We appreciate those who are dedicated to the advancement of this club on campus.

***Email from SIGN's President--Emily Kennedy***
Dear SIGN:
To all of you that were at the meeting I am very sorry for my absence, I had a terrible migraine. I heard we had some new comers and I hope that you will come back. I also want to thank everyone that participated in Deaf Awareness Week. Since then I have had so many people ask me about our programs and club, and this was the complete purpose of our silent days. Our VP Wendy Meeks receives the Most Spirited award for her true dedication to the silent day activity. Thanks!
The following are topics of discussion for this week and others:

T-SHIRTS- the t-shirts have been ordered and will be ready in time for the parade. The price will be $9.00 for the ss and $11.00 for the ls. Please give your money to one of the officers or Dr. Scheetz by Wednesday. I will bring them to the parade on Friday, or they can be picked up in her office the following week.

*If you did not order a t-shirt in time, not to worry! We will be placing another order as soon as we can get another list going. Just let me know.

HOMECOMING-We will have a float in the parade this Friday and we would like everyone to participate. We will meet in the rec center parking lot on Wednesday @
5:00 and again on Thursday @ 8:30 same place. If you have any supplies to help decorate please bring them, paint, glitter, etc, our supplies from last year were lost. The parade will begin @ 5:00, however, we will need everyone there by 4:30 to help decorate and get in line. I will arrive at 4:00 and encourage everyone to start getting there shortly thereafter. It would also help that if you plan to ride the float if you could bring a bag of candy, however not required. If you don't have a t-shirt ordered we ask that you wear a black t-shirt and jeans to match everyone else. Please don't forget who we are representing in the parade, everyone at this point should know what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior on the float. I hope that you all will join us in the parade and make our club look good!

WORKSHOP REGISTRATION-There is a link on the web page for everyone to register, or RSVP, for the workshop. If you have paid your dues, (and we know who you are!), your fee is $25, if not your fee will be $35. We will take up the money at the door and check your name off of the list.

* If it is not there, you will be charged the full on site fee of $40

* Please advertise to as many people as possible. We also need a few more volunteers to help before hand, please let me know if you can soon! 

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT-Everyone need to think about where and when we should have a Christmas party. Last year we had it at Dr. Dodd's house and it was a lot of fun. This year we could go to a restaurant or something, just somewhere fun!  Just be thinking about it and let me know your suggestions.
I hope to see all of you this Friday at the parade!



*New Club Name:  If you haven't been active in this club over the summer, you may have noticed that we have a new name. Club members voted and SIGN: Signing Individuals Growing in Number was the name chosen.

*Deaf Awareness Week: We are still planning to advocate Deaf Awareness Week on campus. It will be September 21-27. Ideas include story telling party, no voice for a day, deaf ed and interpreting displays around campus, and a picnic. Nothing is set in stone yet, so if you have any more ideas let someone know. This is an exciting event because we will be promoting Deaf awareness along with our club.




Monday, July 14, 2003

SPEAC met at Cici's pizza at
7:00 for our monthly meeting. After business was discussed we had a silent dinner and everyone enjoyed it. The fall semester will be starting soon and we have many projects that will require everyone's participation to make them successful.

*Workshop: The workshop that we discussed having in the fall will be titled "Do you understand what I think I said?" and will be on November 1st. It will be presented by Maureen Ann Longo Tucelli. This is Dr. Tuccelli's wife, whom many SPEAC members met in
St. Augustine. I believe the workshop will be very informative and help many of us with sign communication. There will be lots to do leading up to and the day of the workshop. We will need everyone to help by taking up money, serving refreshments, passing out programs, and whatever else we think of to do. Go ahead and write this on your calendar because you definitely don't want to miss it.

*Silent Weekend: Next summer, specifically
June 24-26, 2004, there will be the 25th annual World's Largest Silent Weekend in Tampa, FL. During these three days there will be different classes and different levels that you can choose from. Classes range from topics such as deaf insults, church signs, math sign, fingerspelling, and lots more.  If you know you want to go, early registration is until Aug. 1 and it is $90. If you register before March 1 it is $140 and before June 1 it is $190.The hotel rooms will be $75 a night but SPEAC will be paying for them. If you need more information, email Emily--

*Deaf Awareness Week:
Deaf awareness week is September 21-27. At the meeting we discussed plans for holding activities throughout the week to promote deaf awareness. Some of the ideas include exhibits in the Education building and Special Ed. building, no voice for a day, a picnic, and asking Christia's husband to give us another lecutre on facial expressions. If you have any more ideas, email one of the officers (all the email addresses are on the homepage). We love to hear everyone's ideas.

*Club name: Recently, it was brought to our attention that our name, SPEAC, may be offensive to people in the Deaf community, because it sounds like 'speak.'  It was never our intention to be offensive and we really want to become more involved with the local Deaf community. To do this, we feel that a name change is appropriate so as not to offend anyone. We need to do this immediately because we are about to order new t-shirts, host a workshop, and promote Deaf Awareness Week. So the plan is for everyone to email their suggestions to Emily within the next week. That means by Wed, July 23rd. We'll compile a list of the possible names and take a vote. We really want everyone's support and imput into this because we want a name that reflects what our club stands for.

*T-shirts: Recently, the officers talked to the office of Publication and Design and they will be designing us an official VSU emblem for the club when we decide on a new name. The people present at the meeting voted and the colors for the shirt will be black with white and red letting. The deaf ed t-shirts will be red with black and white lettering. Orders for the new club shirts will be taken at the meeting in August. If you want to order a deaf ed shirt, contact Wendy--

Any suggestions, questions, complaints, compliments? Just let one of the officers know and we will do whatever we can to fix it



Thursday, June 19, 2003

*SPEAC met at Firehouse Subs at
4:00. There were some new faces at the meeting and we were glad to see them. We had a very good turn out and we will be thrilled if even more people come to the next meeting.

Meeting Times: In the past, we have had a hard time scheduling meetings so that everyone can attend. If you would like to tell the officers when the best times for meetings are for you, you can email Emily ( and she will try to schedule meetings for times that are best for the most people.

*T-Shirts: We will be ordering new t-shirts soon!  At the meeting, we discussed ideas for shirts. If anyone has any more ideas, email them to Wendy ( By the next meeting, we will have several designs so that we can vote on the one the club members like best.   Also, Wendy has designed a shirt that we will soon be ordering. On the back, it lists the Top Ten Reasons you Know you are a Deaf Education Major. It's very cute. Contact her if you are interested in ordering one. We will know definite prices when we know how many to order.

North Florida Community College in Madison, Fl has an ASL Club and SPEAC is interested in planning some activities involving them. Since we have never done anything with them in the past, the first event we want to plan is a dinner just to meet and chat with them. Future events might include picnics, movie nights, etc. If you have any more ideas, bring them to the next SPEAC meeting. Everyone should be aware that when we plan something with NFCC's ASL Club, we will most likely be driving down there.

**Workshop: Recently, several members of SPEAC had the opportunity to attend an
ASL workshop in St. Augustine where we met Dr. Mike Tuccelli. He puts on workshops and will come to VSU and put on a workshop about whatever topic we choose. If we were to do this, we would charge admission and it would be a good fundraiser for SPEAC. Also, it would draw attention to VSU's Deaf Education and Interpreter Training programs. We will post more information about this as we find out the details. There are also many other workshops being held around our area. If you know of any, email one of the officers so that we can share it with everybody. It would be great for SPEAC to attend some workshops to improve our skills. After all, that is what we are here for!

If you have any additional ideas for SPEAC to look into, email them to us or bring them to the next meeting.

As soon as we know when the next meeting will be, it will be posted on the events page and everyone on the contact list will get an email.




Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Old Business:

We were sad to have had to cancel the movie social with NFCC's
ASL Club. It was just too busy for everyone this close to the end of the semester. We hope that in the fall we can plan an activity with them.

New Business:

There will be one last silent supper for this semester. It will be on Thursday, May 1 at Zaxby's on Baytree at
6 pm. We realize that this is a really busy time for everyone but we still hope everyone can come out and have fun signing!

ASL 1 starts in just a few short weeks. We will be emailing back and forth to set up what everyone can do to welcome the new students.

We are still in the process of planning for a group to talk to some elementary school kids about
ASL and Deaf culture. Mandy is contacting the schools and will let everyone know when she has found out something.

At the meeting today, we transitioned to a new president. Mandy will be starting graduate school this summer and can no longer serve as the president. Therefore, the current vice-president, Emily, will be taking charge. We welcome Emily into the position and know that she will do an excellent job as SPEAC's president. Special thanks to Mandy for all she has done while she served as president.




Tuesday March 18, 2003

Old Business:

Sale. The donut sale in February was very successful. Thanks to everyone who helped and especially to Jessica for coordinating everything.
*SPEAC sewing committee. Learn how to cross stitch
ASL images. If interested, contact Mandy at

New Business:

*Movie night. We are trying to schedule an event with NFCC's
ASL Club for sometime in April. Check the 'events page' for updates.

*Silent Supper. There is a supper scheduled for
Thursday March 20, 2003 at 6:00 pm at Las Banderas Restaurant. Come out and practice your sign skills.

*Deaf Awareness Month. May is Deaf Awareness Month and we are planning to send a group into the public schools to talk about
ASL and Deaf culture: Anyone interested needs to email Mandy soon so that we can start planning.

ASL 1. It will be offered in maymester this year. If you are going to be in town in May, come and help us welcome the new ASL students and promote SPEAC.

*Graduation. It will be on
Saturday May 10, 2003. If anyone can think of a way to honor the SPEAC members who are graduating, let us know.

Future Events
*Big Brothers/Big Sister.
They are aware that we have some students who may be interested in helping the kids they serve. If you want to become involved with this excellent program, Mandy can give you the information you need.

*Spring Showcase 2004. We are thinking that possibly next spring we could put on a signed show to let the rest of VSU see our skills. It would promote Deaf awareness and it would be a great experience.




Thursday January 30, 2003
Meeting was held in the Dogwood room of the UC at 7 pm. It was a good turn out with thirteen people in attendance!

Old Business:

Discussed Homecoming events of last semester.
New officers for 2003 were introduced.
~President: Mandy Zeitlin
~Vice-President: Emily Kennedy
~Treasurer: Jessica Hatcher
~Secretary: Sam Davis

New Business:

* Updated contact list. Mandy has the list.  Contact her at if your contact information has changed.

* Discussed scheduling for this semester. Decided that silent suppers and meetings would vary throughout the semester so that everyone can be involved.

*Fundraiser committee was formed. As the treasurer, Jessica Hatcher, will be heading up a committee to raise money for SPEAC. Suggestions were made for a donut sale or candy sale. Following the meeting, a suggestion was made for a signing performance with proceeds to benefit SPEAC. Anyone interested in this committee should contact Jessica at

* VSU Dance Marathon on March 15. It is fourteen hours long and the proceeds go to the Children's Miracle Network.  Contact Mandy if interested in participating.

* Career Day. Spring career day in Tuesday, March 18 from 10-2 in the P.E. Complex.  Education Career Day is Tuesday , March 22 from 10-2 in the P.E. Complex.

* Upcoming Meetings. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 17, at
4:00 p.m. in room 222 of the Special Ed/Comm. Disorders building.

Proposed Ideas for the Spring Semester:

*Activities with students from NFCC in
Madison, FL.
~Outdoor movie night with captions (Does anyone have a large wall?)
~Interpreted theatre performances
~Silent Suppers with NFCC's
ASL Club
*Workshops. From March through June 2003, there will be workshops held in
Virginia -"Working with Infants: Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and their Families." The cost is $40 for three days. We need to pick a date. Contact Mandy if you need more information or would like to participate.

Proposed Ideas for the Summer:
*Graduating students. Let's try to come up with some ways to honor those SPEAC members who graduated last December and those who will graduate in May.

ASL Classes. ASL I is going to be during Maymester this year. It was proposed that SPEAC provide welcoming refreshments to the new students to get them interested in SPEAC activities.

*Possible field trip. The 14th World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf will be held in
Montreal, Quebec, Canada From July 18-26, 2003. For more information visit: