Officer Roles & Responsibilities:


Leads meetings; emails everyone about events and updates; communicates with community contacts regarding events; receives status reports from other officers on a monthly basis; has the tie-breaking vote and can veto proposals.


Right-hand officer, works closely with the President; Fills the President's role when President isn't in attendance; Assists President in all endeavors, and is sure to pick up on tiny details the President might overlook; completes all club paperwork to be turned into VSU's offices.


Takes notes/minutes at each meeting; emails notes/meeting minutes/monthly updates to members; composes calendar of monthly events; maintains webpage and scrapbook; stores historical club documents.


Manages club finances (money); heads up fundraisers; has name on bank account and works with officers and advisors to keep track of this account.

We want the next generation of officers to be enthusiastic and eager to expand VSU's sign language awareness. If you are someone who can dedicate yourself to ASL Club, you'll be a great officer for this organization.
