Welcome to the Sarah Squared Webpage!!!

That's us!!!! Sarah and Sarah

Those of you who go to Virginia Tech might know us as Sarah Squared.  We decided to make this webpage a scrapbook of our AWESOME freshman year!!!! Look around and ENJOY!!! It's been fun guys!!! :o)

To the 3rd floor crew: To all the TKE partiers...what were we thinking!! Volleyball games and hanging out on the "beach", Foxridge parties with Ali!, the tasty food of Owen's and WE (what's Dietrick?), watching the millionaire show religiously (REG!), the wood being abducted and Pooh's many kidnappings and sexual assaults, Football games...GO HOKIES!!!, the snowball fight on the drillfield at midnight, Deet's place...gotta love it, firedrills at the worst possible times, Halloween, and "Girl's Night Out", F.C. (enough said), cool RA's and even cooler JR's, and last but not least the awesome WING class (did you actually learn anything or just leave like the rest of us!)  We love all of you guys and can't wait to do it all again next semester!!!

To all of the ATO bros and pledges: We have had a blast hanging out with you this semester. (Formals, Preston's, Parties, Mike's, Softball games, etc.)  Our only regret is that we didn't meet  you sooner! :o) Have a wonderful summer and we will party with you again next semester!!!!

To see our pics....Click below! :o)