Dr. Vickie Iwamoto
ED 413: Children's Literature
The goal of this course is to present an introduction to children's literature.  Content includes an overview of the history of children's literature and will focus on contemporary works and authors/ illustrators of books for children.  This course will help the classroom teacher understand children's books in all genres and  examine criteria for evaluation of literature. The  development  of ideas to promote/use literature both in the classroom and for recreation reading will also be discussed.
This is our home page for the study of children's literature this semester.  I hope you will find it useful and welcome suggestions for changes that would improve it for you. 
Course Links:
This week will be your chance to get familiar with the technology.   You are encouraged to ask as many questions to clarify any issues. We will try to work out any problems with emailing documents or attachments.  Have no fear, we will work together and learn together.
Week 1 Assignment
Week 2 Assignment
Week 3 Assignment
Email me!
Week 4 Assignment
Dr. Iwamoto
Week 5 Assignment
1.  Read  and preview the textbook.

2.  Write a short description of yourself.  Tell me where you are in the program, and a little about yourself.  Please tell me if your computer is MAC or PC and what wordprocessing program you are using.

3.  Print or save the syllabus from the homepage of the Ecollege site.  Review the syllabus.  Email me with any questions. 

4.  Complete week one's assignment ( your introduction to me) and explore all resources. Please email my Chaminade account and send a copy (cc) to my personal yahoo account.  Thank you.
Week 6 Assignment
Week 7 Assignment
Week 8 Assignment
Week 9 Assignment
Week 10 Assignment
Please order the textbook this week.  It may or may not be available at the bookstore.  See the syllabus for the text information.  If you have a difficult time finding a textbook please let me know.  I will give you other suggestions. Remember it is only one of our resources.  I will give you a lot of online resources to help with weekly assignments.  You may want to check out www.allbookstores.com/
Type the title or ISBN#.  It will give you different stores, prices and shipping prices.  You can use any site you wish.  I'm just trying to give you choices.  Hope it helps.

    I will post the new class module each Sunday.  You have one week to turn in the assignment.  Each week's assignment is due by Sunday before midnight (which would be Monday morning).  Any late assignments may be accepted but points will be taken off. Please get all assignments in on time to avoid this.  Thanks.