The first web site I evaluated was
This is a sheet music page.
 Design Evaluated ************************************************************************************************
The main colour of this page is red and black. The layout is very clear, it places on the top of the page, so we can choose any page we want. All botton of the layout on this web site, they use red colour. It is very easy to read it because the words that show on the page are use black colour. This is a web site that we can find many a different kind of sheet music, On the left of the main page, we can see which music that most people find it. The design of this page is very simple. So we can understand easily. This is such as a information page, people go to this page just want to find some sheet music. So the idea of the author who just want to give some information to us, so it doesn't need to have many a different picture or colour. Such as, it only uses blue and white. This site is not create, it just use simple idea to make this web site. Also when I move to different page of this web site, the organization is same as the first page, the layout is on the top of the page, and the top, and on the left side, the top 40 sheet music is listed. The font on every page is same. I like this design so much.
 Information vs. advertising
I can not find any advertising on this page. However this is many information on it. Such as classical music, children music, christmas music, folk music... One section on this page is called music lesson. On this page, it teaches us the basic music piano theory, such as time signature, triplet, notes, bar line, chord... it is very useful. On this part-- music resources, we can find some sheet music to practice. This sheet music is for practice piano basic skill. If we have any question or opinion, we can contact them. On this web site, we can find some information about their company, they give us their address, email and fax number. The information provide on this web site, some is free, but some music we can not see unless we sign up to become their membership, once we sign up to become their membership, we have to pay $29.95 for the yearly membership fee.

Overall Rating
This is a useful site. However I like their design, I don't like we have to pay money to become their membership.
I would give this page 9 out of 10.

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