English 12  Reading of Current English Prose (Fall 2001)

Yuah Vicky Chun

Office - X506

Office Hours: MWF 2:00-2:50; & by appointments

Mailbox -X 412 or X511 (M-F 9:00-5:00)

Email Address: vylee52@yahoo.com



Markstein, Linda, and Louise Hirasawa. Developing Reading Skills: Advanced. Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1998.


Additional Materials: Loose-leaf paper for in-class written exercises and quizzes. (*A college-level English-English Dictionary)


Objectives: English 12 is to provide students with a continuing opportunity to improve students' Reading Comprehension in English by mastering the following techniques: Predicting, Skimming, Scanning, Improving Vocabulary, Guessing-in-Context, Increase Reading Speed, Locating Topic Sentence, Paraphrasing, and Reading Critically.


Attendance: Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Four absences or more are considered excessive and will result in a lowered grade. Any student missing more than five classes may fail the course. Being late twice is counted as one absence. Arriving more than a half-hour late is counted as an absence. Remember that you are responsible for materials covered even on a day you are absent. This includes changes of assignment.


Grades: The work done over the course of the entire semester, along with your final exam grade, determines your final grade: in-class reading exercises and quizzes (20%), homework (20%), class participation (10%), mid-term (25%), and final exam (25%). Daily work (including homework and quiz) cannot be made-up.


Common Courtesy: Eating is not allowed in class. The instructor reserves the right to dismiss or fail any student who is disruptive to the class. (Please turn off your cellular phone, NOW!)

