
Marks /5


General appearance

Is the page attractive? Why?





Is the page clear? Can you read the information easily?



Use of color

Are the colors attractive? Do they help to make the information easy to read?



Ease of use

Is it easy to move around the page, or to move on to other pages? Is there anything on the page that distracts your attention from the most important information?



Presentation and accuracy

Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes?




Does the page make good use of pictures, sound, animation or video? Does the page take a long time to appear?




Is the page interesting? Why/why not?



Other criteria





Marks /5


General appearance

Is the page attractive? Why?





Is the page clear? Can you read the information easily?



Use of color

Are the colors attractive? Do they help to make the information easy to read?



Ease of use

Is it easy to move around the page, or to move on to other pages? Is there anything on the page that distracts your attention from the most important information?



Presentation and accuracy

Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes?




Does the page make good use of pictures, sound, animation or video? Does the page take a long time to appear?




Is the page interesting? Why/why not?



Other criteria