English through the Internet (19-017-01)

With the Cognitive Approach

Fall 2003


Instructor: Yuah Vicky Chun

Email: yvchun@essexac.uk and vylee52@yahoo.com

(Correspondence best by email or by posting at message boards)


Language proficiency: Intermediate and above

Computer skills: basic word processing and basic internet skills are necessary


Primary objectives

To improve accuracy and fluency in all four language skills in English, using computer technology as a means

Secondary objectives


©Í Oral presentations (20%)

Evaluation of web page (w/Power Point with copy of slides and a summary of the presentation)

Personal Web page Presentations

©Î Exams (15%)

¨çIntroduction ¨èArticles ¨é Evaluation of IWE 

©Ð Web page essays (25%)

¨çPersonal profile page ¨è Your link page w/ descriptions ¨é Essay on Cultural Themes

©Ñ Participation (20%)

At Message board ¨çYour report on findings of websites ¨è Response message of listening activities ¨éSummary of a newspaper article

*Guidelines for Evaluation.......Print out all the postings or emails you have written so that they may be evaluated at the end of the term