Vocabulary for Food Unit


advocacy¡¦ public support for a course of action or way of doing things

allergens ..substance that cause allergies

benignly ¡¦kindly

blur¡¦ to become difficult to see because the edges are not clear

dosage ¡¦the amount of medicine that should be taken at one time

count¡¦ to have specified importance <from Cody Loves Ruth>


fertilizer¡¦a substance that is put on land to make crops grow

gnawing ¡¦persistent and troubling

gourmet (p.86) ¡¦connoisseur of fine food and drink

herald¡¦ to announce or signal that something is approaching

herbicides¡¦a substance is used to kill unwanted plants


pesticide¡¦ a chemical substance used to kill insects and small animals that destroy crops

rumpled¡¦¡¦ disheveled  e.g. by creasing clothes

scrutiny¡¦ close examination

splice¡¦ to join the ends of two pieces to form one continuous piece

tamper ¡¦to make changes (esp. in order to damage it)

thickheaded¡¦an insult to one¡¯s intelligence  <from Cody Loves Ruth>

trait¡¦a particular quality

trigger ¡¦to make something happen very quickly