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Eng 14 (80-014) Intermediate English Composition




  Course Syllabus


        Yuah Vicky Chun (전 유아)

        Office: X506  

        Office Hours: MWF 1:00-1:50, 4:00-5:00 or by appointment



        Telephone: 705-8658/8550


Writing to Communicate: Paragraphs and Essays (Second Edition) by Cynthia A. Boardman & Jia Frydenberg, Longman 2002

Available at the university bookstore


Course Description This course is an intensive course to provide students with an opportunity to practice written communication. While writing different types of essays and discussing presented topics, students will learn to organize and express their own thoughts coherently in English. Occasionally grammar problems frequently encountered in writing will be discussed. But the emphasis will be on the process and the problem solving in writing.


Attendance Regular attendance is required. More than three absences are considered excessive since even one absence is detrimental to your development.



 2 one-paragraph compositions and  4 formal essays


Students are strongly recommended to type the drafts.

Type the drafts in double space.

Leave a margin on both left and right sides of the draft.

Final essays should always be typed.  

Every essay revision should be submitted accompanied by the first draft in the following class after the draft is returned.

No essay is final without a subsequent revision.

 Do not use paper clips or pins and do not merely fold the paper.


Web-Assisted Writing   

During the course students will be asked to work online for posting some of their essays, giving feedback, chatting between classmates and students from the global writing community who will also be writing on writing projects.



2 paragraphs 20%

4 essays 65%

Class participation and attendance 15%

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