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Health Matters:

Balanced Health

Note that all articles are © copyrighted to Doni-Marie Oliver
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Health affects our lives in many ways, and at many levels. For some of us, health is a condition we are faced with daily. For others, it is something thought about only infrequently, when there is a problem. And still others think about it as a daily routine of diet and exercise.

If you have ever been faced with a health problem or an illness, even a simple cold, you may have gone through certain stages of illness. Some of these stages are denial, disbelief, self-doubt, uncertainty, fear, insecurity, guilt at being sick, lack of self-acceptance, lack of social acceptance, despair, and even depression (let's face it, being sick can make you feel pretty down, and if it's a constant condition, it can be quite overwhelming).

Whether you are healthy, or battling an illness or condition, nutrition is important, and all the information out there can be confusing. There is also a lot of question about herbal medications; just what do they do and how much should I take, and what should I avoid taking with what.

Though I am not in any way a doctor or medical practitioner, I have studied and learned a lot about health issues, and would like to share what I've found. I've made sure to list all my sources so you may check them out, too. Check out the Bibliography (simply click the link below).

the Circle of Health

This is the Circle of Health; it shows health in balance. Though we tend to focus more on the physical as "health", no aspect of the health circle is more important than the others. Each aspect effects the others. If one area is out of phase, it throws all of the other areas out of balance.

In Health Matters, Guidepost, and Fibromyalgia I will address the Physical aspects of health.

In Celebration you will find articles on Emotional health.

In Chrysalis you will find Social Health, with articles dealing with subjects like communication and relationships.

For Spiritual well-being, there is Faith.

Achieve will deal with Potential health, with articles on setting goals and aiming for your dreams.

There are other sections, too. Prevail is about coping and overcoming, and it is there you will find articles on managing Stress, Pain, and Time. There is a Nutrition section with information about vitamins and nutrients and their side effects, as well as healthy eating guidelines. Balm is about herbs, natural healing tips (like how to prepare poultices), and alternative medicine.

In the future Quest will contain an index of the Vynnix's Nest to help you find what you are looking for faster and easier.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need help finding out about a condition or health issue you are concerned about and don't see here, don't hesitate to contact me.

Because of my own health limitations, and the limitations I have on getting on the Internet (it's unfortunate, but I have to rely on the kindness of strangers --- well the library, anyway), I cannot get these pages up for you as fast as I would like. There is also the small matter of checking and rechecking my facts (as I want to give you the most acurate and reliable data I can). So bear with me and visit often. I will have things rolling as fast as I am able. New articles are under constant research.

I hope you find these pages helpful, and that they make your own journey into health knowledge and understanding easier. Let's learn how to improve our lives together.

Keep soaring!

It should be noted that I am a professional information researcher, not a doctor or qualified health-care professional. Though the information on this site is from coroborated sources, and as accurte as possible, it is for referrence use only, and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or qualified health-care professional.

Discuss any use of the information on this site with your doctor or qualified alternative health-care provider. They know your health history, family history, tests, symptoms, and other factors. These articles are not intended for self-diagnosis or self-medication.

If you have questions about diagnosis, see Achieving the Correct Diagnosis. Though the tips there are geared towards Fibromyalgia and similar conditions, they should prove useful to anyone seeking a proper diagnosis.

To view my sources, check the BIBLIOGRAPHY.

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