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Note that all articles are © copyrighted to Doni-Marie Oliver
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Soluble: Vitamin C
Functions: necessary for bone teeth formation and maintenance in conjunction with phosphorus; maintains healthy cardiovascular system when used with magnesium; required for blood clotting, maintaining regular heart beat, cell maintenance, and metabolizing iron; required for impulse transmissions in the nervous system; growing pains and menstrual cramping can be eased by increasing calcium; hypoglycemia is eased by increasing calcium;
Found In: abalone, artichokes, black beans, black-eyed peas, beef, beet greens, blackberries, black currants, bluefish, boysenberries, bran, broccoli, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, bulgar wheat, cabbage, canned fish with bones (as in sardines, anchovies, salmon), carp, cheeses, collard greens, crab, eggplant, fortified milk products (though synthetic Vit. D robs the body of magnesium), gelatin powders, green beans, green onions, haddock, herring, kale, kidney beans, leeks, lentils, lamb, lentils, lobster, millet, oranges, oysters, parsley, parsnips, peanuts, peas, perch, pineapple juice, pinto beans, prunes, raisins, rhubarb, rutabaga, shrimp, soups or stews made from bones, soybeans, spinach, sunflower seeds, tangerine juice, turnips, venison, walnuts, watercress
RDA / RNI (Doses): -800 -1200 mg daily for adults
-Calcium should be taken in a 2-to-1 ratio with Phosphorus and 2-to-1 with Magnesium (both phosphorus and magnesium should be in equal amounts);
Side Effects: excesses of 2,000 mg daily can cause hyper-calcemia;
Symptoms of Deficiency: deficiencies cause cramps, increasing fractures in those over 50, osteoporosis and osteomalacia, rickets, and twitches; women are more prone to deficiency due to pregnancy and diets; menopausal women are at risk because of losing estrogen;
Symptoms of Toxicity: .
Interactions: Oxalic Acid (in rhubarb and chocolate) and Phytic Acid (in grains) prevent proper calcium absorption;
Notes: Lab Tests:
-adults lose 20% Calcium every year; calcium carbonate (derived from egg or other shells) is not properly absorbed by the human body, calcium gluconate (from vegetables) or calcium lactate (from milk sugars) is easier for the body to use;
-calcium deficiency may be caused by the body's inability to metabolize calcium;

More to Come.........

Note: I am not a doctor, alternative health-care professional, dietician or nutritionist. All information on this site is from reliable and varied sources. It is for reference use only, and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or qualified alternative health care practitioner. Always check with your doctor or health-care provider before using supplements. Read the warnings, interactions, and side-effects carefully. Make sure to take into account nutrients gained through diet when using supplements.

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