Family Page
An interesting story for anyone who wishes to read.  Enjoy it and have a good day. May the weeks ahead be full of love and fun.
A Story For Mother
This is a story that I dedicate to my mother, all the mothers I know,  and to those who will be mothers soon.
Beth was leaving.  She couldn't believe how fast the years had gone.  It seemed only moments in her mind that she had held Beth in her arms.  Rocking her and crooning a lulaby to get her to sleep.  Her younger sister Danna had been getting in and out of trouble  most of her life.   Sharron had her hands full with the two girls, but loved them both dearly.  Life hadn't been very easy for them.
  "Mom!  Do you know where I put my keys?"  Beth yelled from her basment bedroom.  They had been living in an small house on the lower West Side by the High School ever since Andrew left.  Beth's Dad and Mom had been divorced for some time and Sharron had been on her own raising Beth since she was two.  It was hard being a single Mom and trying to work and scramble enough time spend time with her daughter.  Owning her buisness she was sometimes working up to eighteen or more hours a day just to make ends meet.
      "Honey, they are on the dresser."   Sharron yelled back.  Beth had met a guy.  They had eloped and were moving into a small studio Apartment.   Beth's mom tried to hold back the tears as she knew her baby was leaving. 
         Remembering all the years before, Beth remembered how much her mother loved her.  Knowing that even though things were not easy, she remembered all the things her mother did for her.  The Christmas when they were lucky to get a few presents under the tree and how much she was going to miss this house where her and Danna had grown up.  But, she wanted to get married, and now that she was she had to leave.  Her husband would be waiting for her.
Beth knew when she met Chris that he wasn't the Prince Charming that she dreamed of, but he was nice.  He loved her.  He wasn't rich, but that had never been her focus on a relationship.  Chris was smart, handsome in her eyes, and most important, he loved her.  That was what she wanted, love.  The kind of love that lasts forever.
    Sharron helped Beth pack the car and watched them go.  Knowing that it would be infrequent in their visits.  Chris was not the pick she would have liked for Beth, but he seemed nice.  She only wished they would have waited to marry.  She wanted to give her daughter a nice wedding.
  As the years went by, Beth grew up a lot more then she expected.  She had to help support their little family.  Chris had been on his own.  Beth had not, and was not really prepared for the real world.  They fought a lot and had some very rough times in their marrige.  Beth wondered how long it was going to last.  A few times she came HOME.  Home of course was Mom or Grandma.  Family, that was what she needed.  The separation did Chris and Beth good.  So much had happened in their lives, so much happiness, sorrow, and anger.  Learning about one another had been the hardest test they had faced.  But it was not an end.
                    Later Beth and Chris had a baby.  The baby was a beautiful little boy who they named Brandon.  Brandon was wonderful.  Everyone loved him and things were looking up.  Chris got a great job and with the money he made Beth was able to stay home and take care of Brandon.  But, things were sometimes lonely at home.  It was hard to make friends and although she loved Brandon very much, she missed people around her.  She thought of her Mom and her sister.  She missed them.