Brief Life History of Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri
Family Background
Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri was a member of a well known and distinguished family of Hyderabad, India. His Father Hazrath Syed Abdul Rasheed Quadri was a well known saint of the Quadri Sect and his Grand Father Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood -I was the well known Islamic scholar who also served on many important positions in Nizam V & VI government including the positions of the Director of Armed Forces, High Court Judge, Mufti and Member of the Legislative Council etc. He was the member of the famile tree of the descendants of Hazrath Syed Jalal Bukhari.  Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood's mother was the descendant of the well known sufi saint of Hyderabad,  Hazrath Syed Moosa Quadri who was himself one of the descendants of the head of the Quadria Family Hazrath Syed Abdul Qader Al-Geelani.

Professional Bckground
Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri graduated in the first batch of L.L.B of Osmania University, Hyderabad and joined the Judiciary. He Served as District & Sessions Judge in the Hyderabad Estate of Nizam Dynasty and later the Indian Courts after the Estate was merged in India.

Literary  & Social Contributions
He being a member of the family of well known Islamic Scholars, was grown up in the environment of Quranic Knowledge & Beliefs, Lectures & Profession, Poetic Gatherings etc. He himself became well versed with Islamic Literature and later professed the doctrine himself. He had thorough knowledge of Arabic, Persian, English, Urdu, Hindi and Telugu Languages which made him available to people of all sects and cadres and he presented them with the knowledge he possessed in more easy way for their understanding. Despite his busy court life, He was always dutiful for his community and tried to work for betterment of muslims in all his life time. He was the founder of Anjuman-e-Moinul Millat (The Helping Scoiety for the Community) , Founder Member and Vice President of Toor Baitul Maal, Secretary of the Management Committee of Jamia Nizamia, Founder and Vice President of Muslims Welfare Organization (Mukkaram Jah Hostel came into existence through this organization), Founder and Chairman of Ma'arif-e-Islamia Trust, Founder Member & Vice Chairman of Majlis-e-Islah-e-Muashira, Life Member of Majlis-e-Ulama-e-Deccan, Member of Muslim Wakf Board, Member of Anjuman-e-Tahaffuze Awqaf, Advisor to Al-Geelani Alami Society, Member of All-India Retired Judicial Officers Conference, etc. His well known literary works are The Urdu Translations of Lataef Al-Lateef, Mishkwat Al-Nubuwwat (8 Volumes), His other books include The Universal Message of Islam, Ilm-e-Ghaib, Fazail-e-Mustafa, Isteaanat, Mahasin-e-Tareeq Goi, Geelan Ki Inquilab Angez Shaksiyat, Nazr-e-Aqeedat, Sair-e-Haram, Rashat-e-Qudsia (The Urdu Translation and commentry of the Poetry of Hazrath Abdul Qader Al-Geelani),Maslak-e-Deoband, Collections of his own Poems Kaif-o-Suroor (1st edition printed by the grant of Andhra Pradesh urdu Academy and 2nd edition by Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Society of Lucknow), Firdous, Bahare Manqibat etc. He also wrote in full the Law Section of the Urdu Encyclopaedia compiled and published under the auspicious of Abul kalam Azad Research Institute, Hyderabad.
Religious Destiny
Hazrath Abul Fazl Syed Mahmood Quadri was a true muslim. He was always devoted in nature and submissive to the will of Allah. In all his crucial stages of life, how difficult they may be, he never deviated from his path of faith and practice. He was punctual in his obligatory prayers, He fasted even when the doctors asked him not to fast due to his ill-health, He was always inclined to help the poor and down-trodden muslim brethren. He was always active to create ways and means for economic and social upliftment of the muslim community. His heart pained when he saw the members of the community, especially the leaders of various sufi sects, to be ignorant towards their duty for the community. Although he was the successor (Khalifa) of  Hazrath Syed Ibrahim Saif uddin Quadri Al-Geelani ,the custodian of the Mosque and Khanqah of Hazrath Syed Abdul Qader Al-Geelani in Baghdad, Iraq, he always beleived in professing the doctrine and never favored or encouraged the false practices. He always used to tell the Ulama & Mashaikh to come forward to do something substantial for the community and encouraged them not to confine themselves to their Khanqah.
Syed Waheed Quadri
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