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World Awareness Ministries was established to provide a background of information to assist anyone searching for a systematic understanding of life today. Something has gone terribly wrong in a century predicted to be "the Christian Century." One writer says it bluntly... "this is the bloodiest century in the history of mankind."

Many today are saying unless something changes quickly, America will never be the same. In the book We Can Change America, Daryl Whitemarsh goes so far as to say:

"The alarm bells are ringing. The sirens are sounding. The red lights are flashing from Maine to California, warning of calamity unless America is changed." The writer goes on to warn that "we must start now if America is to be changed and pulled back from the brink."

World Awareness Ministries is committed to examining this alarming charge and giving concrete answers. Where are we? Where are we going? Are things getting better or worse? Is the answer both? better and worse at the same time?

The answers to these questions give insight to the destiny of this nation and the world we touch. All of us are commissioned to study and develop a thinking base that correctly analyzes these penetrating questions. Collectively concerned citizens can join together to help redirect a nation that may be heading toward oblivion. Many of the brightest minds today are even saying this must happen in the next few years or all may be lost. If it is true things are getting better and worse at the same time, it behooves each of us to correct the trends that are detrimental and emphasize the concepts that give the greatest motivation to continue the path to a better and brighter tomorrow. World Awareness Ministries exists to provide information to challenge an awareness of the trends worldwide that can destroy all of us. There are answers to the problems. The more people become aware of the real facts, the more assurance we have corrections can be made.