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 A Call for (No) Respect for the Month of Ramadhan

 A Call for (No) Respect for the Month of Ramadhan

December 4, 2001

Dear Friend,

The Muslim community in Indonesia and throughout the world, including in America, called for America to halt the bombing of the Taliban during the fasting month of Ramadhan. The month of Ramadhan is supposed to be a time for peace and deep reflection with Allah. Yet the citizens of Indonesia face a very different reality when it comes to Ramadhan year after year. Despite the fact that there are many Muslims who truly want to celebrate Ramadhan peacefully, Ramadhan in Indonesia is also used as a time to terrorize people.

In Jakarta, for example, 1000 people from FPI (Islamic Defenders Front) swept several places in Jakarta to try to "take care" of those who disgrace the time of Ramadhan. The terrorization is far more real for people in Poso, in the central part of the island of Sulawesi. For the past three days, Laskar Jihad has continued their heavy assaults against the local people in that area. Thus Laskar Jihad itself has shown no respect at all for peace during Ramadhan. Following this article is an on-site report from GKST ( detailing some of the assaults.

There has been a very confusing political indecisiveness on the part of the Indonesian security forces. For example, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (the Indonesian Minister for Security and Politics) mentioned, in a meeting with the Indonesian Council of Churches, that the presence of Laskar Jihad is needed in Poso and Maluku due to fear of attack by Christians on the local Muslim communities there. Such an absurd statement from the Indonesian Minister for Security and Politics indicates alarming confusion by even the top Indonesian leadership in its efforts, or lack thereof, in handling conflicts such as in Poso, even after the conflict has been going on for several years now and the damages are nearing the point of becoming beyond repair.

Then this week Yudhoyono evidenced a slight shift in his stance by making another statement (as cited in the Suara Pembaruan Daily on Nov 29, 2001) that the perpetrators in Poso will be dealt with. This statement must be understood in the context that justice has not been meted out even-handedly in the region, where for example a Christian caught with a machete went to prison for several years while a member of Laskar Jihad with an AK-47 served only 7 months.

Furthermore, the head of the Central Sulawesi police, Agus Sugianto, indicated that there are adequate police to handle the conflict and hence no need for additional forces. Yet according to International Christian Concern (ICC), based on their very recent fact-finding trip to Poso, there are approximately 15 thousand Laskar Jihad in the Poso area, and they are heavily armed. Meanwhile, again according to ICC, in the Poso region there are only 35 policemen with 3 rifles trying to provide security for 63 thousand people to keep them from being attacked by the 15 thousand members of Laskar Jihad, who have already demonstrated their intent to "cleanse" Christians area by area.

Decisive action needs to be taken in Poso immediately, especially after the indecisive attitudes revealed by Yudhoyono combined with the incapability of the regional police to handle the conflict despite whatever they may be saying.

There have been several references in various media about the links between certain extremist groups in Indonesia and Al Qaeda. Ongoing terrorist-style behavior by the Laskar Jihad only strengthens the perception of such a link between Indonesian religious extremists and the worldwide terrorist network.

Thursday, November 29th, 2001, is the third day of jihad's invasion to Christian villages at Poso Pesisir area. About at 11,00am, they attacked Desa Dewua. A village after Tangkura. By the information, the civilian try to struggle as they can. There's no national army or police officer to stop the invasion. After all that is in that village were burned down, they to the following village, Sangginora. Than, in the afternoon, Desa Sangginora also has been burned down by jihad warriors. This invasion was supported by organic weapon besides that there's also such as big vehicle (log truck) to sweep up all the burned buildings or to contain the robbed things and oil tank car so that they can burn easily. About data of victims until this news reported were still in investigated.

The Christian community's land in Poso is getting smaller. All Christian villages at Poso Pesisir area were burned down. Seems that jihad warriors won't let the Christians in Poso exist. What they have done to the Christian villages in Poso Pesisir area shows that it will be happen at other of Christian places especially Tentena. As we know, now in Tentena many refugee living there. And also Tentena is the center of GKST Synode. While, geographically, Tentena position is encircled now. All the Christian villages that surrounding Tentena were burned down by jihad warriors. It means that the invasion now to the Poso Pesisir area is the beginning to invade all the Christian places included Tentena.. The attacker is so well-prepared to do that. The problem is the Christians in Tentena and places around it can't do more.

They need help. But, in fact, now it's hard to trust the national army or police officer.
So, let's pray for them and for the condition in Poso land.

Temporary Data of Victim

Village : Betalemba
Identification :
-Kede (30), die
- 76 people houses, burned- 1 elementary school, burned
- 1 Pura (the worship place of Hindu), dibakar
- 1 Church, burned
- 1 Village chief office, burned

Village : Patiwunga
Identification :
- 200 people houses, burned
- 1 Church, burned

Village :Tangkura
Identification :
-Yusuf, die
- Ruben Suba (40), die
- 1 Village chief office, burned
- 1 Church, burned
- 300 people houses, burned


Ann Buwalda
Jubilee Campaign USA

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