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Indonesia - OCHA Consolidated Situation Report No. 56

Indonesia - OCHA Consolidated Situation Report No. 56
21 - 28 December 2001


General Situation

One person died and six reportedly injured in three separate incidents on Thursday (27 Dec.) in Ambon. Two police and two civilians were reportedly injured during a shootout between the police and the army in Galala. Two police officers were injured when unidentified armed persons shot at a police escort on its way to the airport. And one person is killed when unidentified armed persons shot at a speedboat traversing the Ambon Bay.

There are reports from Wamsisi, Buru Island, of hill people (orang gunung) attacking the village inhabitants for unknown reasons. On 25 December, an IMC doctor treated a villager with a spear wound.


IMC doctors in Masohi carried out a rapid assessment on health facilities in Tehoru, East Seram, on Saturday (22 Dec.). The team reported that the primary health centre (Puskesmas) there needed a doctor and drugs. IMC plans to send a doctor there next week.


IMC reported on Saturday (22 Dec.) of an outbreak of measles in Waemasing where 14 children had died in the past two weeks of complications (diarrhoea and dehydration). IMC reported that other villages in the area could have also been affected. On Monday (24 Dec.), IMC, MSF-B, and OCHA met with the head of the provincial health office who apparently was unaware of the problem. He sent a team of doctors to the affected areas on 26 December.

An IMC surgeon visited Tual, Kei Islands for one week and, together with a joint army team, conducted mobile surgery at Dobo, Kei Besar.



The provincial health office this week carried out the third phase of the WHO-funded training on malaria for primary health centre (Puskesmas) paramedics.

IMC provided health and medical services in Galela, Tobelo, Kao, and Malifut sub-districts to 582 patients.

This report and all previous ones can be found on OCHA's website at

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UN Building 4th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin 14
P.O. Box 2238, Indonesia
FAX: (62-21) 319-0003
PHONE: ( 62-21) 314-1308, Ext. 215, 151, 125


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