Strategies and Basic Tips
First off build your town hall, then your farm. Then a barracks, with the next peon build another farm, and with the next build a blacksmith. With the next two build another two farms. Now build another barracks, and start pumpin out grunts as fast as possible. With the first grunt scout the left (or right) side of the map, and with the second explore the other. Now when you find them try too identify what strategy they are using, if they are rushing, then you'll have to do a better job than they do, if they are walled in then rushing is not the best strategy, look too the sappers section. Also constantly upgrade until you are at level 5. You should have ALOT of peons by now, at least 15-20. Build farms as you need them. As soon as you have 15 grunts, send them too his base. Kill the grunts, then peons, then barracks, then farms, then town hall. I say farms because if a peon escaped, then if your opponent has no farms, then he cant just start building men, he has to start building all over again. Hopefully when you ran in there he didnt have 20 grunts hidden away and you get slaughtered, leaving your base wide open for attack, lol.
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