Chyna's Personality/Biography
Name:  Joanie Laurer
Hometown: Rochester, New York
Birthday: December 27, 1970
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 197 lbs

Favorite Band: Van Halen
Best advice ever recieved: Ask and you shall receive.

Favorite sport (besides wrestling): Boxing
Favorite t.v show: 60 minutes
Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
Favorite actor: Arnold Schwartzenegger
Favorite actress: Glenn Close
Hobbies: All sports
Favorite athlete: Mike Tyson
Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Fast Food: Doesn't eat any!!

Female Friend in the WWF: Debra (almost as close as sisters)
Person most would like to meet: Simpson's writer
What she always has with her: chewing gum
Secret Talent: speaks many languages (french, german and spanish)
Before entering the WWF what would she be doing: Teaching people how to read/write spanish

Would she have done anything differently: Honestly would have kept it all the same

Facts: When she first entered the WWF, no one except HHH and Shawn Michaels wanted her there.  She also shares a close bond with her sister, Kathy.

Something that she has that surprises people: a great sense of humor

Nickname: 9th Wonder of the World

Bench Press: 320 lbs
Dead lift: somewhere in the 400's lb range