"Regarding a career opportunity with your organisation"

Dear Sir or Madame,

Hi, my name is Jason Tse Kwun Lee. I'm interested in working for your 
organisation. I'm 22 years old and I'm currently living in Vancouver, 
Canada.  I'm willing to travel to **country name here** and work if I 
get a job offer there.  I have always loved **nationality here** 
culture.  I'm fresh out of college so I feel very energentic right now.  
I'm young, hard working, independent, fluent in both english and 
cantonese, computer literate, and a quick study.  

Please consider me for a **job name here** position or any other 
position which you see me qualify. I feel that I'm quite qualify for 
this position even though my resume may not indicate it. An interview 
with me will prove how much I am qualify for this job.

Here is my resume online:
If you can not view my resume on line, please send me an e@mail and tell 

Thank you for time,

Jason Tse Kwun Lee

    Source: geocities.com/wackyjlee