APRIL 19, 1998: Attorney General Ramsey Clark

Engelman: Now there's a gentleman here that's a former attorney general of the United States, that has taken up the cause of helping the Branch Davidians that were, convicted, ah, and are trying to get an appeal. I'd like to introduce a, a great American that's served his country very well. Ramsey Clark. [applause]

Thank you, Ron.

Clive, I sure do admire this house you've built here. I like everything about it. I like its looks and its workmanship, [applause] its purpose, which is memory- but above all I love it as a symbol, of the day that must not be too far distant, when there rises on that high point over there, [F: "Amen!"] a mighty cathedral, to those who died, to those who suffered from violence, around the world, and the God-given right of every human being to, pray and practice her religion as she believes it. [applause F: "Amen."] It's essential to all of us, that this sacred ground, commemorate for all humanity, what happened here. I'm also glad, you got down off that roof before I saw the picture of you up there laying the shingles on, cause I've been scared to death you're gonna fall off. I didn't know you could do that kind of work. ["?"] Thank you. ["?"] Not as well as I used to. Looks pretty good to me, I'm moving in if I can. [laughter]

There's a 911, call on February the 28th, from David Koresh. It states, everything we need to think about right now. That's amazing, isn't it. It's particularly amazing when you remember it was after this, violent military assault on a church, huh, full of women and children. It was probably while he still thought one of his own children, and knew perfectly that his loved ones and father-in-law were dead, because you remember there was a time there when he'd been told that one of his, daughters died, because she had blood all over and somebody thought she had. And he called up, and he spoke in, utter simplicity, and honesty. He said, "You need to call the President of the United States, and explain to him, what you have done here. You have ruined, this country. This is a democracy- supposedly." It's interesting that, this good man would have had such faith in the President. We all want to have faith in the President. We heard today what the President said to Lesley Stahl, whom we all know- married to a Texan, by the way- about, what happened here. That the lies that he told, on something so critically important. When he said, you have to explain, he told the whole story, didn't he? Who knows what the government did better than the government? They have to explain! There're no secrets. They know what they did! And they've never explained! In court- we have been denied the right to obtain information they possess! To ask them the simple questions- did you shoot, did you bomb, did you destroy, why? The truth will out? The truth will out when the people demand it. And not a moment, before. ["That's right."]

30 years ago our great, prophet of, nonviolent social change- Reverend Martin Luther King- who was murdered by the violence of this society- the most painful statement that he ever made- was at the Riverside Church in New York, exactly one year to the day before he was, murdered. He said, "The greatest purveyor of violence on earth, is my own government." What a godawful thing, for a man of nonviolence to have to say. But that was a long, long time ago. Huh! He couldn't have dreamed- of the violence, that government, has now regimented- with the consent of the people! We've got 24 nuclear submarines, called Trident II, commissioned. Each can launch 24 of 96, missiles it carries- it can launch 24 simultaneously. Each missile can contain 17 independently targeted maneuverable nuclear warheads. Each can travel 7,000 nautical miles, which is 14,000 when you go in both directions- That's more than halfway around, the ample waist of, Mother Earth: and each warhead can strike within a hundred feet of a predetermined target because it was designed as a first strike weapon. It can carry a warhead- 10 times more powerful than the bomb that incinerated Nagasaki- umbeldee?. 408 centers of human population with perhaps a million people each- (whish)- from one launch! Capable of rendering, this planet as lifeless, as the moon. Will a government that would build, would a government that would imagine, conceive, manufacture, launch, and maintain on the high seas today, years after the end of the Cold War- such an omnicidal weapon, worry about- these beautiful children, these women and men, these religious people praying in their church, who they murdered here? [M: "Murdered! Amen!" applause M: "You bet!"]

You've got to address it all! [loud applause] I came back from- Chiapas, Mexico two weeks ago, there're a million, 100,000 Mayan descendants down there, full-blooded Indian peoples living an Indian lifestyle, not speaking Spanish, certainly not speaking English, speaking Mayan languages, there's still about twelve that are extant. They're starving to death- there's 75,000 armed, heavily armed, military personnel of the Mexican army, trained by our people with our tanks, with our helicopters, the same equipment you saw out here assaulting this little church! 75,000- against their own people! That's compared to 36,000 NATO troops in Bosnia where you've got three armies to worry about! Not Indian peasants who don't have guns even! That's the kind of militarism that we're carrying on! Our military budget for the last fiscal year was 265 billion dollars, which is five times greater than the second largest nation- the People's Republic of China, that we fear so much, spent 32 billion. But our money is spent far more efficiently- look at the Trident II! If violence is the purpose of the dimes you spend on- militarism!

On March the 11th, of 1993, two, good men of the cloth, Dean Kelley, who spent the last 30 or 40 years of his life, struggling for religious freedom worldwide- and became the director of the National Council of Churches' Committee on Religious Freedom- and James Burr, who's the director of the, what's called the Baptist Joint Committee- wrote a letter to the President of the United States- William Jefferson Clinton. This is 11 days, into this brutal siege, in which every conceivable form of psychological torture, that had been learned through years and years of experience, was employed on the women and children who they subsequently cremated right here- ["That's right."] And the first sentence of that letter was, "Dear Mr. President, please end the military confrontation the United States is conducting against that church, now. We're afraid people will be killed." Everybody knew, what was happening. Basically, we're in a struggle for the truth. The truth that can set us free. We've always known that the long struggle, for freedom, is between memory and forgetting. But you have to remember the truth! Huh! And the essential thing is to establish the truth. And we see an enormous conspiracy against the truth; do you remember the polls in 1993? 1993, by coincidence, the polls showed 93% of the American people, blamed David Koresh for all the death that occurred here. What madness! You know, you see what a struggle we have. The President's still talking, "It was our fault, he's like the devil made me do it, you know?" It is essential that we struggle for the truth, that's what this lawsuit is about. That's why people like Joe Phillips work night and day, struggling, for the truth to come out. We only need one thing to get it. And that's a simple order that says, the United States government must tell us what it did! What it knows! Because it is the actor that conducted all of these, assaults. That shot and bombed and killed these people. The truth will out. ["Amen."] The question is when. And our duty as human beings is to see that it is out quickly and soon. We have to engage in the struggle for the duration until the truth is known. We owe it to those who died here, ["Amen!" applause] we owe it to those who come here after. We've been told, and I think it's true, that, justice is truth in action. Huh. Without the action you're not going to get justice! ["Amen."] You know? We have to act! We can act! We've got to carry it out on every front. That's why these films, like Michael and others are making, are so critically important, because they're the powerful means of communication to people who are saturated with information and misinformation and, garbage, constantly, they can't see important things. Things that are important to the survival of everything we cherish. Including the Constitution, of the United States, and we the people. ["That's right."]

The struggle, is told, long ago. Today, is the fiftieth anniversary of, Israel. We have to remember its suffering. We have to, remember that the Star of David flew on the flagpole there. Huh! I wonder how many, US troops that irritated. You remember that the ATF flag went up later, can you remember that; never forget that! The ATF flag flew on that flagpole. God help us! ["That's right."] What barbarism! ["Yeah."] Whatever, the state of Israel has done to the Palestinian people, we have to remember their suffering and share in it, and remember the suffering of the Palestinian people, and prevent it. We have to love all the people. And prevent violence, and demilitarize the planet! [applause] But in the ancient Hebrew words of Deuteronomy, "Above all, our command is tesedech, tesedech, tirdoth: justice, justice, thou shalt pursue." God bless you, everyone. [applause]

Engelman: (adjusting microphone) Oh! That's a big man!..


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