




Disclaimer                                                                                     2

Indemnification                                                                            2

Hall of Fame Inductees                                                              3

Board of Directors                                                                       3

Race Day Events                                                                              4

General Information                                                                   4

Race Day Rules                                                                             5

Car Preparation Rules                                                                6

Race Day Event Rules                                                                 10

Protest                                                                                            13

Challenge Race                                                                              13

Points                                                                                              13

Clean Sweep Explanation                                                           14

Roll Over Preparation Rules                                                     14

Roll Over Points and Payoffs                                                     15

Small Car Rules                                                                            15

Truck Derby Rules                                                                       16

Workers                                                                                          17

Committees                                                                                   18

A Kind Reminder                                                                            18

Schedule / Banquet Dates                                                               18


Washington Association of Demolition Drivers

P.O. Box 1178

Spanaway, WA  98387


Rule BookDisclaimer:

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATIONS OF OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator or official.

The race director shall be empowered to permit minor deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in his opinion do not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM SUCH ALTERATION OF SPECIFICATIONS.  Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials. Their decision is FINAL.



Article 13. Indemnification

     Each officer and other appointed or elected person of the club and his heirs, executors and administrators who act, or shall hereafter act at the request of this club as officers and other appointed or elected persons of this club indemnified against all costs, expenses and amounts of liability thereof; including, counsel fees, reasonable incurred by or imposed upon him in connection with or resulting from an action, suit, proceeding or claim to which he may be made a part, or in which he may become involved by reason of his acts of omission or commission or alleged acts or commission as such officer and other appointed or elected person of this club, or subject to the provisions hereof, any settlement thereof, whether or not be continued to be such officer or other elected or appointed person of the club, which is the basis of such action, suit, proceeding or claim, occurred before or after the adoption of this article, provided that such indemnification shall not apply with respect to any matter as to which officer and other appointed or elected person of this club shall be firmly adjudged in such action,suit or proceeding to have been individually guilty of willful malfeasance in the performance of his duties as such officer, and other appointed or elected persons of this club and provided, further, that the indemnification herein provided shall, with respect to any settlement or action, suit, proceeding or claim, included reimbursement of any amount paid and expenses reasonably incurred in the judgment of the officers of the club, such settlement and reimbursement appearing to be for the best interest of this club. The forgoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to but not exclusive of any and all other rights as to which any such officers and other appointed or elected persons of this club may be entitled under any article, by-law, agreement, vote of the membership or otherwise.










W.A.D.D. Hall of Fame Inductees


1992   Audrey & Don Taie                                      1999   Shirley Quist/Jim Haire

1993   Audrey Neumeister                                                 Ken Huffman

1994       Robin Hunt                                                                Hi-Tech Screen Graphics

(club sponsor)

1995       Ron Seiker                                                     

Jim Gayther 

                                                                        2000   Linda Alexander

1996   Peggy & Bob McRae                                                 Bob & Trudy Lind

Troy Southard                                                          J.H. White Tires  (club sponsor)

Budget Auto Wrecking                                            Authorized Marine

 (club sponsor)


                                                                                     2001   Elmer Clark

1997    Judy Thompson                                                       Chuck Swift

Carol Brevik                                                                          Daryll Rathke (driver)

 Dudley’s Tire (club sponsor)                                 Big Johns Trophies 

(club sponsor)                     


1998    Larry Wannamaker                                    2002   JoAnn Hess

            Don Brevik

Billy De Hunter                                             2003  Ron Brevik

Larry Farmer Hauling (club sponsor)                   L&L Printing




*Motion was made for all Hall-of-Fame Inductees to be put on the monthly mailing list for the bullsheet for lifetime at no cost to them.

*Each year 1 member ( past or present ) or 1 past or present club sponsor will be voted into the W.A.D.D. Hall of Fame. Voting will be done by the current board and the past inductees.



2004 W.A.D.D. Board of Directors


President----------------------------David Hensley--------------------(206) 244-1652

Vice President----------------------Jo Campbell------------------------(253) 472-0631                                                                        Secretary----------------------------Judy Charles-----------------------(253) 846-3456 

Treasurer----------------------------Linda Alexander------------------(253) 770-1425

Sgt of Arms-------------------------Jason Hansen----------------------(253) 473-5886      

Member at Large-------------------Mike Charles-----------------------(253) 846-3456

Member at Large-------------------Dave Godwin-----------------------(253) 841-5695

















1.      All proposed rule changes for the following season must be submitted in writing by a current member. Turned in to a board member by the November General meeting or mailed to the club’s P.O. Box  (must be postmarked by October 31st).  We can vote on rule changes brought up at the meeting only if an existing rule is affected by a rule changed during the meeting.  

2.                  Membership options are as follows:

A.              Full Member – $20, ($15 for renewals if they are paid by the end of the February General meeting) includes driving rights, voting rights, points, payoffs, trophies, and a monthly bullsheet.

B.              Pit Crew Member – $10, includes none of the above full member rights.

C.              There are 2 lifetime members of the club:  Bill Kelley and Ed “Moose” Crossan.

3.                  Car Number Registration

A.     Each driver including rollovers must have an assigned number.  Car numbers may be obtained from the club treasurer listed in the front of this book.

B.     The numbers 1-3 and 01-03 (powder puff) are reserved for the drivers who finished in the corresponding position in points from the previous year.  These drivers may use 1-3 or 01-03 (powder puff) as their car number or run their regular assigned number.

C.     Car numbers will not go over “99” unless all 2 digit numbers have been used.  If all 2 digit numbers have been assigned then starting with number “100” 3 digit numbers will be given out to demo cars.  Exception: Grandfathered 3 digit numbers from 1991 racing season.  All rollover cars will run 3 digit numbers.

D.     In order to retain your present number, you must purchase a full membership by the February general meeting.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  Any unassigned 2 digit number after that meeting will be assigned to another driver.  You must run your number or lose it (except officials).  Any unused number from the previous season will also be assigned as needed.

E.                 In memory of Bill Neumeister, the car #88 has been permanently retired.

4.                  A “Rookie Driver”  is anyone who has competed in 2 or less demos in the past.

5.      Banquet Trophies are to be:

Regular, 1st– 45” , 2nd– 40”, 3rd– 36” (3 post) 4th– 28”, 5th– 26” (2 post) 6th– 10th  -14” (single post)

Powder Puff. 1st– 45”, 2nd– 40”, 3rd– 36” (3 post) 4th– 28”, 5th – 26” (2 post)

Small Cars. 1st- 36” (3 post) 2nd_ 28” (2 post) 3rd- 26” (2 post) 4th & 5th- 14” (single post)

Rollover.  1st – 36” (3 post) 2nd – 28”, 3rd – 26” (2 post) 4th & 5th – 14” (single post)

Special Awards – 24”  Have Sponsored

Rookie of the year – 22”



Flag Definitions


Green                         The start of the event. When the green flag drops that is

                                     when the race starts. No matter where you are on the track

                                    (whether it be at the start finish line or in turns 3 or 4 lined



Red                             STOP as quickly and safely as possible.  DO NOT block the track or pit entry/exit.


White                          One lap remains in the event


Checker                      End of the event, stop racing


Yellow                        CAUTION!  During hot laps - proceed slowly.  During the main event – slow down, stop all contact, circle the track slowly until green is thrown again or you are sent to the middle.


Rolled Black               WARNING!  During a dash – stop all contact.  During a heat or main event – start making contact within the next lap


Black                           STOP RACING & RETURN TO PITS!  Rule infraction.  The Head Flagman as well as the Corner Flagger can throw a BLACK flag at their discretion. Driver will lose all points and money for the event.


Black/Yellow X         Mechanical problem, stop racing.  In a heat race you will qualify for the main.  In the main your 2 minutes will continue.


1.         Any person old enough to obtain a valid driver’s license (or permit) may race.  Any person under the age of 18 must have a release signed and NOTARIZED BY BOTH PARENTS If a parent is “absent” a notarized release by that parent must be obtained. (Subject to track rules, which is 16 years of age.)

2.        Drivers are responsible for the actions of their crew members

3.        Any person who is impaired by ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES, ALCOHOL, INJURIES (physical or mental) or PREGNANT will not be allowed in the pits.  Violators will be assessed a $50.00 fine.  Also the car, driver, and crew will be removed from the pits.  THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING!!

4.        If you need a push truck to start your car before a race you will be allowed 1 lap.  If it does not start, return to the pits.

5.        Any theft or sabotage means immediate suspension for one calendar year.

6.        SPEED LIMIT IN THE PITS – 5 MPH!!  Repeat violators will be fined$50.00.

7.         No roof top sign may be changed from one car to another after the pit meeting.  To change roof top signs requires the Head Tech permission.  All cars must have a roof top sign during all events.  Exceptions:  Any car that has rolled during a race may run without a roof top sign for all remaining events of that day.

8.      Points may not be transferred from one system to another. Women running in both Powder Puff and Regular events must declare which system, or both, points will be in on sign up sheet. If running both classes, cannot get 4 Powder Puff donation points if driving their own car.

9.        W.A.D.D. officials reserve the right to enforce any rule listed in the manual and to further interpret the same for the benefit and furtherance of a good racing program.

10.    The W.A.D.D. Board of Directors will take corrective measures against an official after written complaints are received.

11.     A half purse will be paid for bad weather and/or poor attendance shows if   the clubs treasury balance is low.  Notice will be given at the pit meeting.

12.    All purse checks will be mailed.  All trophies and plaques will be given out that night.


14.    Hot lapping will commence @ 11:45 AM until 1:00 PM, per South Sound Speedway

15.    Time trials will start at 1:30 PM. Each car will be given 2 laps (1 lap if time runs short) to establish a best lap time.  It is not necessary to time your car in.  No one should time in any car other than their own.  The driver who times in the car must drive it in all dashes he/she qualifies for and the main event.

16.    Pit meeting will be before time trials.  The meeting is mandatory for all persons in the pits (drivers, crew, and officials).

17.     All cars must be either sold to junk dealers or taken from the track at the end of the race events.  All tires and metal debris must also be removed.

18.    During the flag salute all drivers, crews, and officials will come to attention for the National Anthem.  Immediately after the flag ceremony the line ups will be posted on the pit board.

19.    You must be on the track when the GREEN flag is thrown in order to be in that event.

20.   A Mandatory Assistant Flagman who during the main event will be in the center track area with a radio so that he is in contact with the Head Flagman at all times.






1.      All cars will be inspected prior to entering the track for safety and compliance with W.A.D.D. rules.  If a car does not pass tech, no sticker or marker will be put on the car.  The problem must be corrected and the car taken back to the tech area for re-inspection.

2.                  W.A.D.D. officials may make spot checks at any time after a car has passed tech.

3.      Any cars displaying words or pictures of poor taste not fitting for a family show will not be allowed onto the track at any time during the event until such words or pictures are removed or painted over to be no longer visible.





1.      Any North American made passenger car or station wagon is eligible to run in the demo classes.  NO pick-ups, panels, convertibles, carryalls, vans, four wheel drives, hearses, ambulances, or “T” tops are allowed. 1977 and up Imperials, Lincolns will be allowed.  Spanaway Speedway sets minimum wheel base at 103”.  All sunroof openings must be covered with sheet metal from the outside of the car and securely fastened to the roof.

2.      Remove all glass.  Exception:  The windshield may remain.  If the windshield is removed a metal screen or Lexan must be securely fastened in its place. A half screen or Lexan is acceptable. No half-glass windshields are allowed. If a car has rolled it is to be checked by 2 tech officials to determine if the windshield must be removed and if so, a metal screen or Lexan must be securely fastened in it’s place.

3.      Remove all outside chrome and trim.  Remove all flammable material from the inside of the car. Exception: Drivers seat and door padding.

4.      All loose foreign material such as broken glass and trunk items (spare tires and jacks) must be removed before arriving at the track

5.      The stock gas tank must be removed and a suitable metal container (10 gal max) securely fastened and mounted in the center or left side (behind the driver) of the rear seat area. (See diagram as example only)  The container must also have sheet metal COMPLETELY covering it, and securely fastened.  Two (2) 1” diameter holes must be cut in the floor, one on each side of the tank to drain spilled fuel. All fuel lines and vent tubes must come out of the top of all fuel tanks or cans.  All fuel lines that run through the inside of the car must be securely fastened along the driveline tunnel and shielded.

6.      Two (2) clean cut, 8” minimum diameter fire extinguisher holes must be cut in the hood (one on each side of the engine).  Exception:  If both front wheel wells are removed no holes are required.

7.      Driver’s side doorbar and passenger doorbar is MANDATORY.  The side doorbars must be a minimum 5 foot long maximum wheel well to wheel well.  They must be a minimum 6” wide and a maximum of 5” overall depth outside and 4” deep inside; securely fastened with a minimum of three (3) Ύ” diameter bolts with 6” x 6” backing plates.  The front bolt must extend through the kicker panel (electrical knockout).  (See diagram for example only)

OPTIONAL:  If you run side doorbars inside car you can weld door seams 12” maximum weld per seam (top, bottom, side) outside door seams only.  Doorbars inside car can only go 18” past the back of the seat.

8.      A driver’s side “T” bar, bolted or welded to the doorbar and bolted to the rocker panel or frame, minimum 6” or thicker than the doorbar is allowed.

9.      Cars with large driver’s side window areas may install a shoulder bar, bolted or welded to the doorbar and bolted to the roof of the car.

10. All cars must have a cross brace and upright post mounted securely behind the driver, 2” water pipe or equal.  If the floor pan is rusted run an angle (bolted or welded) to the upright spanning from the rocker panel to the hump.

11.  All doors, hood, and the trunk lid must be securely fastened either with chains or bolts.  Trunk lids may be fastened in 4 locations of your choice, any combination of ½” bolts with maximum 6X8” backing plates or bumper jack bases, through sheet metal only, minimum 5/16” chains, or 6” welds. Option: Allow 2 of the 4 trunk lid fasteners to go “to or through” the frame, Max. 1” all thread welded or bolted.

12.  Two Ύ” maximum bolts with 6” x 8” maximum backing plates or chains may be used through the rear or center portions of the hood (through sheet metal only)

13.  Cars without hood stops will be allowed maximum 9/16” bolts with a maximum of 6” X 8” backing plates at rear locations through sheet metal only.

14.  Two 1” diameter bolts may be installed in place of the core support bolts in the frame and extend up through the hood.  Bumper Jack Base or 6” x 8” maximum backing plates bolted at each end. Front bumper chains may be welded to the front hood plates.

15.   For cut fenders only you can add five Ό” bolts with maximum 1” washers in each fender well (through sheet metal only).

16.  Six Ό” bolts in the hood around the fire holes (3 per hole) with maximum 1” washers (through sheet metal only)

17.              Windshield bars may be added (This will prevent the hood from coming into the windshield).

18.  Roof top sign is required on all demo cars.  Numbers should be dark on light or light on dark colors, minimum 18” high x 2” wide, and legible from the tower.  Numbers should be on both sides of the sign.  Cars with electric fuel pumps must have a letter “E” on the roof top sign, both sides, minimum 3” high.

19.  Three-inch wide seat belt with two-inch wide shoulder harness, single release is required.  Secure the lap belt to the stock locations or to the floor with a minimum 4” x 4” backing under the floor.  Secure the shoulder harness to the rear seat stock location or to the floor in the rear seat area, minimum 18” behind the highest point of the driver’s seat with a minimum 4” x 4” backing plate under the floor.  DO NOT STRADDLE “Y” TYPE SHOULDER BELTS AROUND THE UPRIGHT POSTS.  Belts must not show any fraying or wear. 

20. All cars must have a 2lb minimum fully charged fire extinguisher securely mounted within the driver’s reach.

21.  You can cut the firewall and cover with mudflap, innertube or metal, Securely fastened. If you cut the firewall you must run a front dashbar.  Front spreader bar 2” minimum O.D. pipe or square tube securely fastened.  All stock holes larger than 2” diameter must be covered.

22. NO WELDING ON THE CAR other than stated.  Rearend gears can be welded.  Impact type bumper cylinders can be welded at both ends of the cylinders.  (CAUTION:  Be sure to drill the cylinders before welding them.)  The hinge on non-impact bumpers can be welded at the pivot.  Bumpers that fall off can be welded only where previously bolted or welded.

23.             All bumpers that have been trimmed must have folded or rolled round edges.

24.             You can cut your steering column to put u-joint connection in and weld them in.

25.             NO fiberglass seats will be allowed.

26. A minimum 6” x 8” square padded headrest securely installed is required on all cars (even with high back seats). You can use stock headrests. Padded pipe/uprights posts are not acceptable.  Padding can be added to the inside driver’s door area.

27.              All cars must have working brakes to enter the track.

28. On sub-frame cars you can put a bolt ( Ύ” or smaller ) with 6” X 8” backing plates on them to tie the sub-frame to the car.








1.      Any engine in any chassis is allowed, as long as stock motor perches remain in the stock location and the Front Cylinder spark plug may NOT extend any further back that centerline of upper ball joint. Cut stock type exhausts, headers, or stock type exhausts are allowed.  Any exhaust pipes extending up through the hood must vent straight up (prevent burns on other drivers and officials). 

2.                  Aluminum Intake Manifolds are permitted.

3.      Any carburetor is allowed, 4-barrel maximum, with stock type or replacement air cleaner.  1” maximum total height spacer and/or adapters are allowed.

4.      Maximum two 12 volt batteries allowed securely fastened in the stock location.  OPTIONAL:  Batteries may be relocated inside the car (front passenger floor area) in a metal enclosed box securely fastened to the floor.  NO PLASTIC OR WOOD BOXES ALLOWED.  Lids must be securely fastened.  Seatbelts are acceptable.

5.      Cooling system (if used) must remain in the stock position.  WATER ONLY in radiators, NO ANTIFREEZE (track rule).  Remove Freon from air conditioning system (check local laws pertaining to Freon).  Transmission coolers (if used) must remain under the hood.

6.      Any car using a switched ignition or electric fuel pump on/off system must have the “OFF” position clearly marked, dark on light or light on dark colors, minimum 1” high.





1.   Any steel wheel maximum 8” width is allowed.  You may use 1 tube per tire.    Tires and tubes filled with air only.  Any maximum 8 ply tires allowed.  No flat tires allowed on the racing surface.

2.                  Air shocks and spring assisted shocks are allowed.

3.                  Sway bars must remain stock type with stock type bolts and rubber mounts or nothing at all.

4.      We can reinforce the tie rods with angle or rod.




People’s Choice Car Contest

1.      Cars must pass tech for Demo Derby or Rollovers.  A minimum of 3 cars are required before contest begins. 

2.                  Cars may have extra items on them i.e. cardboard, tape, etc.  which must be removed before racing.

3.      Once a car has competed it can not compete in another People’s Choice contest at any other Spanaway race without major changes in design.

4.      Any car displaying words or pictures of poor taste not fitting for a family show will not be allowed on the track.

5.                  Cars will be judged by audience vote.  (Interpreted by the push-trucks)

6.                  1st place – Plaque.


Chain Race (Non Contact)

1.      Sign up at the back gate.  EVERYONE who signs (their car number) will be placed in a hat for the drawing of 10 names plus 4 alternates.

2.      Cars must start and stay chained together throughout the entire race to receive points unless a mechanical flag is thrown.  Cars that become unchained must return to the pits.

3.      The rear car must remain in neutral gear throughout the entire race, except if you are stuck and it is the ONLY way to get loose for the betterment of the show.

4.      The race is run in the figure eight pattern.  The first team to cross the checkered flag finish with the most laps completed, wins. This is a 6 Lap race

5.      1st Place – Plaque for each team member


Trophy Dashes

Entry is determined by time in only.

1.      All dashes are NON-CONTACT. Any car instigating contact on lap one will be moved to the back of the line up for the restart.  Any instigated contact after lap one is an instant disqualification.

2.                  The first lap must be completed by all cars without incident (except slow dash) or the race will be restarted.

3.      On complete restart only, a flat tire can be changed, but you only have two minutes to change it before race is restarted.  You must be back on the track before the green flag is thrown to compete.

4.      All Dashes are to be ran in either COUNTERCLOCKWISE or MAYPOLE Fashion. To be determined the day of the race.

5.      Only 1 trophy dash per class ( Powder Puff, Small car & Regular )

6.                  1st Place – Trophy


Heat Races

             POWDER PUFF (Definition of Powder Puff – Female Drivers Only)

1.      All drivers will line up first come first serve. 

2.      The heat will be 15 laps.  If a race has a set number of laps (i.e. 15) and the race goes longer, then the finish reverts to running order at the correct amount of laps for the race.  Must be corrected if found in lap sheets as incorrect.

3.      Powder Puff drivers may run in the Consi as well.  BUT NOT AS THEIR HEAT RACE.

4.      1st Place - $75.00 & trophy,  2nd Place - $50.00,  3rd Place - $35.00

5.      To qualify to run the main event, Powder Puff drivers must run a regular heat with the men and under those governing rules.

6.                  After taking the GREEN flag Powder Puffs are allowed to go into the pits and re-enter the race.



1.                  Line ups will be first come, first serve.  Maximum of 16 cars per heat.

2.      Each heat race will be 10 laps.  If a race has a set number of laps (i.e. 10) then if the race goes longer then the finish reverts to running order at the correct amount of laps for the race.  Must be corrected if found in lap sheets as incorrect.

3.      All cars must complete 5 laps or receive a mechanical black flag called by the head flagman in order to qualify for the main.

4.      Any car not completing 5 laps in their heat or receiving the mechanical black flag must run the Consi heat to qualify.

5.                  You must start the main event in order to receive any payouts from the heat race.

6.                  1st Place - $30.00 & Trophy,  2nd Place - $20.00,  3rd Place - $10.00


General Heat Race Rules

1.      Contact must be made to pass.  Pushing, side swiping, dumping, and jamming on the brakes are all considered fair play.   Exception:  You are not expected to make contact if a car is off the track or in passing more than one car at a time (only one has to be hit).  You need not hit a stalled car.

2.                  The car taking the checkered flag first with the most laps completed, wins.

3.      No assistance may be given to any car once an event has started.  A car and/or driver are eliminated from any event if either receives assistance from anyone.  Fire is not considered assistance, unless it happens more than twice, or the driver is removed from the car.  If righting an overturned car is the only assistance required, and the car can start on its own power the driver may continue the event, but only if the officials deem it is safe.

4.                  People who team up with someone else will be disqualified.

5.                  Only one person is allowed in each car on the track in competition.

6.                  You may not enter the pits for repairs and rejoin the race.

7.                  Obvious sandbaggers will be given one warning, a rolled up black flag (see flag def)

8.                  Drivers black flagged in a heat race will be placed on a one minute clock during the main event.

9.      Any driver who voluntarily exits their car without permission of an official, removes their helmet or seat belts/shoulder harness (including during a red flag) prior to the conclusion of an event will be disqualified from further competition for the rest of the days events.  All monies, trophies, and points will be taken away and given to the next place finisher.  If this happens during the main event the Board of Directors will decide if any further actions need to be taken against the offender before the next race.


Black flags will be thrown for the following reasons as well:


1.                  Travelling opposite to the flow of traffic, either in forward or reverse gear.

2.      Deliberately backing into a competitor to deliver a blow as might be done in the back to back portion of the main event.

3.                  Cutting the track to make contact.

4.                  Not making contact.


Consi Heat

1.                  All rules for regular heats apply to the Consi heat race.

2.                  6 cars 6 laps, if over 6 cars 10 laps will be run.

3.                  The Consi heat race is a contact race.

4.      You must complete 5 or more laps or get a mechanical black flag to qualify for the main event.  Volunteers, pitmen, powder puff drivers are all welcome to compete if they have a minimum of a pit pass.  (All participants must have safety equipment).

5.                  1st Place – Plaque


Main Event


1.      In order to participate in the main event you must have your car on the track before the green flag is thrown.

2.      The main event is a bump to pass (see heat race rules) until the yellow flag comes out.  When the yellow is thrown, slow down and keep circling the track until the green comes out again, or you are directed to the middle.


1.      Your windshield may be cleaned off at this point by either a timer or flagman.  DO NOT exit your car to do it yourself.

2.      Any direction of travel at any speed within the designated boundaries is considered fair play.  A real effort must be made not to make contact with competitors drivers’ side door.  (Black flags can and will be thrown for this if deemed to done on purpose.)

3.      All competitors must make hard contact every  two minutes or less (except those on the one minute clock).  Anyone not making contact with an active competitor will be disqualified.  Obvious sandbaggers will be black flagged prior to the expiration of their two minutes.

4.      All competitors must stay within the boundaries of the designated main event area . If you are hit and go beyond the boundaries you may re-enter the main area slowly and continue to compete. If you deliberately go onto the track racing surface you will receive 1 warning      ( rolled BLACK flag ) You will be BLACK flagged if this is repeated. Exception: cars with obvious steering problems will not be considered deliberate.

5.                  The winner is the last car to make a hit on another active competitor.

6.      1st Place - $350.00 & Trophy,  2nd Place - $165.00 (Trophy if sponsored),  3rd Place - $125.00 (Trophy if sponsored),  4th Place - $80.00,  5th Place - $60.00,  6th Place - $30.00,  7th Place - $30.00,  8th Place - $30.00,  9th Place - $30.00,  10th Place - $30.00,  11th Place - $30.00,  12th Place - $30.00




1.      Results of each race will be posted at the pit concession stand board as soon as they are received.  The complete race day results will be posted on the pit board after all events are completed.

2.      Questions about the results may be discussed with the pit coordinator after posting.  If there is not an acceptable settlement by this procedure, a formal protest can be filed.

3.      Protest(s) must be submitted in writing and signed, explaining what is being protested and what action(s) you would like done, along with $25.00, to a board member within 15 minutes after the complete days results have been posted.  If the protest is upheld, money will be returned.  NOTE:  For main event final 10 only – you will be able to protest and have the money for the protest deducted from your winnings if the protest is lost.  On half purse dates, drivers finishing in positions 6 through 10 will be able to use their $15.00 half purse check for protest fees and will lose only that amount if protest fails.

4.      When a protest is received it will be noted on the pit board next to the results of the event it pertains to. Each driver will be responsible for checking the results posted on the board in the pits to see if there is a protest noted in any event they have participated in.  Protestor & Protestee or one representative are allowed and required to make any all protests meetings commence.  Protest meetings will be held in an area out of the public eye.

5.      Protest committee must consist of a minimum of 5 members: Sergeant @ Arms, Head Flagger, Corner flagger, Pit Boss, Head tech & President. If any positions are doubled (example: Turn 2 flagger and Head tech.) or a person is missing from that race, then another WADD member must be named to the committee. If a protest involves any member or members of the protest committee those members must remove themselves from serving for that protest and a WADD Board Member/s will assume the position. First alternates will be the 2 Board Member @ Large members. All board members may attend any protest meeting.


Challenge Races (No Challenge Races in 2004)

Once a year W.A.D.D. holds 2 challenge race days.  If features 10 drivers from W.A.D.D. and 10 drivers from another club.  The first stage is held at Spanaway Speedway on opening day of W.A.D.D.’s racing season.  The second stage is held at the other club’s track at a later date.  There is a traveling trophy to be awarded to the winning team of each event.  The winning team must update the nameplates.

The previous years team captain hand picks first 5 drivers for NEW team then puts all others names that want on the team in a hat. Pull 5 team members and 3 alternates.

These people will run in both stages of the challenge or supply car and driver to take his/her place.  If on the team you may have 2 cars with the same number and if you want to take challenge car in 2nd heat race you must take it through tech (Only challenge team may have same number on 2 cars on challenge day).





1.                  No Blanket Point Races in 2004.


Powder Puff Points System


Powder Puff Trophy Dashes---------------------------------------------No Points

Heat Race----------------------------Each driver gets 1 point per lap completed

                       Plus     1st Place -----10 points

                                   2nd Place----- 8 points

                                   3rd Place ----- 6 points

                                   4th Place ----- 4 points

                                   5th Place ----- 2 points



Regular Points System


To receive 4 donation points for P.P. driver, car must take the green flag.

Donation to Powder Puff--------------------------------------------------    4 points

Trophy Dashes-------------------------------------------------------------  No Points

Chain Race--------each team member------------- 1st Place---  3 points

                                                                                           2nd Place---  2 points

                                                                                           3rd Place---   1 point

                                                                                      Entering Race-- 1 point

Heat Race-----------------------------------------1st Place----  5 points

                                                                                           2nd Place---  4 points

                                                                                           3rd Place---   3 points

                                                                                     Entering Race--  1 point

Consi Heat--------------------------------------------------------------------No Points

Main Event------------------- 1st Place --- 16 points          6th Place ---  6 points

                                                       2nd Place--- 14 points          7th Place ---  4 points

                                                       3rd Place --- 12 points          8th Place ---  3 points

                                                       4th Place --- 10 points          9th Place ---  2 points

                                                       5th Place ---   8 points        10th Place ---  1 point

                                                                 Entering Roundy Round – 5 points


In the event of a tie at the end of the season both parties get that position and drop the following position.  Example:  Tie for 4th place, two 4th place trophies and no 5th place trophy.


Clean Sweep

A trophy will be awarded at the next race except on Championship which will be awarded at the Banquet for:

Regular points system:  Trophy Dash, Heat Race and Main event wins in one day.

Powder Puff points system:  P.P. Fast time, Trophy Dash, Heat race win in one day.

Small Cars: Trophy dash, Heat race and Main event win in one day





1.      Any passenger car (compact, mid, full size) is eligible to run.  NO “T” tops allowed.  All sunroof openings must be covered with sheet metal from the outside and securely fastened to the roof.

2.                  Remove all glass, outside chrome and trim, and all flammable material from the inside of the car.

3.      The stock gas tank must be removed and a suitable 3 gallon maximum metal gas container installed securely in the center of the trunk area.  A sheet metal cover must be secured over the container.  Two 1” diameter holes must be cut in floor next to container.  All fuel lines and vent lines must come from the top of the tank.  Vent lines should extend through the floor so as not to spill when the car is upside down.

4.                  Two clean cut 8” diameter fire extinguisher holes must be cut in the hood (one on each side of the engine).

5.                  A minimum of two upright posts or a roll cage must be securely bolted or welded in.

6.                  All doors, hood, and trunk lid must be securely chained or bolted closed.

7.      The battery must be secured in the stock location or relocated to the front passenger floor area and secured in a metal enclosed box, bolted to the floor.  NO PLASTIC OR WOOD BOXES ALLOWED.

8.                  Cooling system (if used) must contain water only (NO ANTIFREEZE)      

9.      Three digit car numbers are required on each side of the car.  Light on dark or dark on light colors.  Minimum 18” high x 2” wide (legible from the tower).

10.  Three inch wide seat belt with two-inch wide shoulder harness, single release is required.  Secure the lap belt to the stock locations or to the floor with a minimum 4” x 4” backing plate under the floor.  Secure the shoulder harness to the rear seat stock locations or to the floor.  DO NOT STRADDLE “Y” TYPE SHOULDER BELTS AROUND THE UPRIGHT POSTS.  Belts must not show any fraying or wear.

11.  NO CUTTING OF THE FIREWALL.  All stock holes larger than 2” diameter must be covered with sheet metal.

12.              No fiberglass seats will be allowed.

13.  All loose foreign material such as broken glass and trunk items (spare tires and jacks) must be removed before arriving at the track.

14.  A minimum 8” x 8” square headrest securely fastened is required on all cars (even with high back seats).  Padded pipe/upright posts are not acceptable.  Padding can be added to the inside driver’s door area.

15.              All cars must have working brakes to enter the track.

16.  All roll over cars must have a window net securely mounted on the inside of the driver’s side door (NO PLASTIC).

17.  Any car using a switched ignition or electric fuel pump on/off system must have the “OFF” position clearly marked, dark on light or light on dark colors, minimum 1” high.


Roll Over Event Rules

1.      Each driver will get 2 attempts to roll their car off the ramp (making contact with the ramp denotes an attempt).  Rolls can be done under the vehicles own power or with the help of a push truck.

2.                  One point will be given for each Ό roll, side of side or end over end (nose or tail spins do not count).

3.                  1st Place - $100.00 & Trophy,  2nd Place - $50.00,  3rd Place – To last Place $20.00





Prep Rules

1-                 Any 2, 3 or 4 cylinder passenger cars. No all wheel drive, Rotary, Super-charged or Turbo-charged cars.

2-                Maximum 101” wheelbase. ( Camaros and Fairmonts are over this size )

3-    Cars must have a minimum 3” channel or 6” X 3/8” steel plate with a minimum of 4 – ½” bolts with 6” backing plates on the driver side door, maximum wheel well to wheel well. Passenger side door bar is optional for Roundy Round racing but it is required for the derby.

4-    A minimum of 2 hood pins MUST be installed to hold the hood closed. Option: You may install up to 4- Ύ” bolts/threaded rods to hold the hood closed. 2 in the core support bolt holes and 2 in the middle or rear portion of the hood.

5-    Stock gas tanks may remain in stock locations but they must have a minimum of 2 additional metal strap or chain holding them in place, these are besides the stock ones. Filler cap must be moved inside trunk per tech discretion. Option: gas tanks may be moved inside the car per WADD regular car rules. Gas tanks MUST be mounted inside the car or in front of the rear suspension or the front part of the trunk for the back to back portion of the derby.

6-    Battery may remain in stock location securely fastened. Option: moved inside of the car as per WADD regular car rules

7-     Two (2) clean cut 8” minimum diameter fire holes must be cut in the hood (one on each side of the engine) Exception: If both front wheel wells are removed no holes in hood are required.

8-                All other car prep rules except those listed above, Per the W.A.D.D. rules book will apply to this class as well.

9-                Any stock type mag wheel may be used.

10-            Drivers door may be welded

11- Allow 20” high numbers on the doors and 36” numbers on the roof or roof signs for car numbers, Must be able to be read from the tower.

Heat Races

1-     Heat races will be 8 laps Bump to Pass. Cars to run full track unless 10 cars or less. Then to race on ½ track,   Turns 1 & 2 with a tire placed in the center of the figure 8 X.

2-     1st Place $20.00, 2nd Place $15.00, 3rd Place $10.00. 6 cars minimum to receive payouts for heat races

Main Event

1-     Main events will be 15 laps Bump to Pass. Cars to run full track unless 10 cars or less. Then to race on ½ track, Turns 1 & 2 with a tire placed in the center of the figure 8 X.

2-                 1st Place $30.00 and Trophy, 2nd Place $20.00, 3rd Place – 7th Place $10.00

Heat Race:

1st Place – 5 points, 2nd Place – 4 points, 3rd Place – 3 points. 1 Point for entering the race.

 Main Event:

 1st Place – 10 points, 2nd Place – 8 points, 3rd Place – 6 points, 4th Place – 4 points, 5th Place – 2 points

1 point for entering the race


1-     1st Place $100.00 and Trophy, 2nd Place $75.00, 3rd Place $50.00, 4th & 5th Places $30.00, 6th through 10th $20.00  Exception: Less then 10 cars starting derby pay will be ½ purse. 







Truck Derby Rules


1-     Any 2 wheel drive ½ or Ύ ton standard cab or club cab pickup trucks are legal. No crew cabs or 4 wheel drives.

2-     Remove all glass, Exception: Windshield may remain, If the windshield is removed a metal screen or Lexan windshield must be securely fastened in it’s place. NO half glass windshields.

3-     Remove all outside chrome and trim. Remove all flammable materials from the interior. Except the drivers seat and pads.

4-     The stock gas tank must be removed and a suitable metal container ( 10 gallon max. ) securely fastened and mounted in the center of the bed near the cab. The gas tank must be shielded with metal.

5-                 2 fire holes must be cut in the hood ( minimum 8” ) or inner fenders must be removed

6-     Drivers side and passenger side door bars are mandatory, 8” wide minimum on the driver’s side and 6” wide minimum on the passenger side. Minimum 5’ long and wheel well to wheel well maximum. Maximum 5” outside depth and 4” inside depth.

7-                 All trucks must have a cross brace in the bed mounted securely, Minimum 2” pipe or equivalent.

8-                 All doors, hood and tail gate must be securely fastened with bolts, chains or 4 – 6” welds   (no welds on hood)

9-     Two Ύ” maximum bolts with 6” X 8” backing plates or chains may be used in the center or rear portion of the hood.

10- Two 1” maximum diameter bolts may be installed in place of the core support bolts in the frame and extend up through the hood. Bumper jack base plates or 6” X 8” maximum plates at each end. Front bumper chains may be welded to the front hood plates.

11-             Windshield bars may be added.

12- Roof top signs are required on all demo trucks. Light on dark or dark on light. Numbers must be a minimum of 18” high and 2” wide.

13- 3” wide seat belt with 2” wide shoulder harness, Single release is required. Secure the lap belt to the stock locations or to the floor with 4” X 4” backing plates under the floor. Secure the shoulder harness to the floor with a 4” X 4” backing plate under the floor.

14- All trucks must have a minimum 2lb. Fully charged fire extinguisher securely mounted in the cab within reach of the driver.

15-             All holes in the firewall larger then 2” must be covered

16-             Rear end gears may be welded.

17- Car bumpers may be installed. Welded to the frame but not re-inforced. All corners that have been trimmed must have rolled round edges.

18-             You can cut the steering column and install u-joint connections.

19-             No fiberglass seats will be allowed.

20-             All loose material must be removed from the truck. Broken glass etc.

21- A minimum 6” X 8” padded headrest must be installed behind the driver’s head and securely fastened. A factory head rest may be used.

22-             Any engine in any chassis as long as the motor remains in the stock location.

23- Cut type exhaust, Headers or stock exhaust is allowed. Any exhaust pipes that extend through the hood must point straight up.

24- Maximum 2- 12 volts batteries allowed, Securely fastened in the stock location or on the passenger floor area in a metal box. NO PLASTIC OR WOOD BOXES ALLOWED.

25-             Cooling system ( if used ) must remain in the stock location. Expansion tanks may be installed. Water only.

26-             Any truck using a switched ignition system or electric fuel pump must be clearly labeled for ON/OFF.

27- Any steel wheel maximum 10” wide will be allowed. Maximum 10 ply tires with a maximum of 1 inner tube per tire. Air only in tires. Beads may be screwed to the rim. Split rims MUST be welded to the rim.

28-             No air shocks

29-             Tie rods may be re-inforced with angle iron or rod.

30- A real effort must be made not to make contact with the drivers side door bar. Black flags can be thrown for this.

31- All competitors must make hard contact every 2 minutes at a maximum. Obvious sand baggers will be black flagged before their 2 minutes are up.

32- All competitors must stay in the designated area. Any drivers who deliberately drive onto the racing surface will receive 1 warning ( rolled black flag ) the next time they will be black flagged. Exception: trucks with obvious steering problems.





All workers in this club are volunteers.  Please look over the volunteer list below to keep our club going.  Decide what you can help with and volunteer.  It’s a better club when more than 5 or 6 of the same people are doing all the work.


On ALL RACE DAYS ALL OFFICIALS MUST WEAR WHITES AND ARE TO REPORT TO THE TRACK BY 6:30PM UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE.  IF YOU ARE NOT AT THE TRACK BY 6:30PM YOUR POSITION WILL BE FILLED WITH A SUBSTITUTE.  If you have volunteered for a job below and are unable to attend the event as required, please call the President of the Board or any Board Member a minimum of 48 hours in advance so a replacement can be found for that event.



IF TWO RACES ARE UNEXCUSED MISSES your position may be filled with another person.



BACK GATE       



BULLSHEET EDITOR                                     





POINTS                DIRECTOR












Please do not complain about any rules written here in.  Everyone has a voice at the Rules Meeting.  If you were not there, we missed you, but we do not want to hear about it now!  The Rules Meeting is held annually in November.  Watch your Bullsheet for next year’s date.  General Meetings are held once a month (usually 1st Tuesday of the month) all year.  Watch your Bullsheet for the exact dates and locations.  Every meeting is important and a vote of the membership could be held at each one on items that affect this club, so don’t miss them.





Race Schedule 2004 Season

April 25th

May 30th

June 13th

July 4th

August 15th

September 12th, Championship




Awards Banquet

October 16th 2004

Tacoma Sportsman’s Club