Shihan C.A Taman is a 7th Dan-Renshi from JKF Wadokai, possibly the highest ranking Wadoka in Southeast Asia. He is a DIRECT STUDENT of Otsuka Saikoh Shihan and GM Sasaki Takushi.
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Shihan Taman as a young student in Hiroshima University. He was the first Indonesian to earn black belts in Wadoryu Karatedo & Jujutsu Kenpo and also in Kodokan Judo.
Hiroshima University in the mid 1960s. GM Sasaki Takushi is the gentlemen on the left, wearing the formal suit with tie. Shihan Taman is the black belt in the first row, 2nd from right (sitting, hands on lap). He stayed in Japan for nearly a decade!
Otsuka Saikoh Shihan, Shihan Taman and GM Eriguchi Eiichi, ca 1975. Shihan Taman was making his routine trip back to Japan, to learn more things from the Founder himself, and to meet his old comrades.
GM Sasaki Takushi with Shihan Taman. GM Sasaki is Shihan Taman;s principal instructor in Hiroshima Univ. This picture was taken in 1994. Shihan Taman made routine trips back to Japan every now and then to pay his respects (and learn techniques) from GM Sasaki.
Shihan Taman with his Sempai, Akimitsu Sensei, ca. 1994.
Shihan Taman returned to Indonesia in 1972 and founded Wadoryu Karatedo Indonesia, the only Wadokai branch in Indonesia.
YAI Jujutsu Club, ca 1999. Shihan Taman is 2nd row, standing, 2nd from left. 3rd from left is Ben Haryo, Wadokai Indonesia webmaster (just getting his Dan promotion).
Shihan Taman teaches Nagashi Gyakutsuki
At his mid-sixties, Shihan Taman still teaches Hikitatedori to Ben Haryo. He must be the healthiest mid-sixties Wadokai I ever seen.
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This Website and the Pictures are (c) 2002   by Shihan C.A.Taman &Wadokai Karatedo Indonesia