For Empowerment of the Female:
In two parts.

Eternal Mother may I ceaselessly
Devote most heartfelt worship unto you!
For instances of Your divinity
I meet and love each day let worship due
To You be rendered as I meet the needs
Of humble folk by active empathy!

Such joy gleams from the girl's admiring eyes
Of crystalline blue on an ivory face!
Her ruddy tresses frame those calm, sea-sky-
Surpassing gems which cast her playful gaze.
I gladly worship this most winsome one
Yet likewise must serve her impoverished kin.

Such gentle warmth wells from the woman's brown
Sweat-flooded eyes on her round, ebony face!
Her muscles silken, shining life-strength pound
In pestles this day's meal and turn embrace
A child upon her breasts. Beyond mere praise,
As she toils, I must toil to ease her pains.

Such knowing lights the face of wint'ry ruts
About her struggle-brazened eyes! Such lead
To bygone places, sharings, birthings, loves,
And fierce rage on behalf of burdened, meek
Folk bound by debt or force to farms or mines.
May her words guide my deeds through unjust times!

For Thee, Encircling Spirit, my heart yearns!
While utmost of devotion I must give
To persons marred by hate, disfigured, burned
by stigma, or reviled. Of all You give,
Dark-eyed Love, be it counsel or embrace,
May I share Your wealth to heal other's pain.

My prayer with each moonlit night
And every morning's hope,
On Womankind's behald takes flight
To plead for an end to Her woe.

From famine, war, and poverty,
On Woman the worst descends,
Yet by Her spirit's enduring strength
Such world-travails shall end.

Wives, Mothers, Sisters, and Daughters
By Love and Care stand strong.
Take heed how skills of Her and mind
Have lacked reward over long.