Moon Fighter
P v P Fighter

'Moon Figher' is an unofficial game produced by Sprite Team for the Sharp X68000. Even though it isn't an official game, it has some pretty cool sprites, and the game itself is fun.

The emulator I'm playing this on has two sizes, and the Sprites don't look 100% right in either size. But they look the best with the larger screen size. Reducing them by 50% didn't help much, either. If you can tell me what the ideal size for these Sprites is, please don't hesitate to do so.
Some of these Sprites are quite large, so please be aware.

Some of the colours are a little off, but Sprite Team doesn't seem too fussed with breaching any copyright laws, so these are probably just mistakes. Neptune definitely got a raw deal...

There were also some pretty funny mistranslations of their planets. They may have been intentional, to try and avoid getting burned by the long arm of the law, but once again they're probably just mistakes.

Venus: Vinus
Uranus: Uranos
Neptune: Neputurn (??)
And Chibi Moon was shortened to C·Moon.