August-2002 Update
Are you walking in His truth?  Do you know Jesus Christ as YOUR Lord and the only way of salvation?  Are you repenting daily of your sins and asking Him to prepare you for the days to come?  Will you hear the words "Well done, good and faithful servant!" or will you hear "Depart from me, for I never knew you." Choose this day whom you will serve..."For I am coming quickly"..
Yes, come Lord Jesus!
There are 3 Feasts of the Lord I have not explained yet.  These 3 feasts are Fall Feasts.  They are preceded by the month of Elul which is the 6th month in the Hebrew calendar.  It falls somewhere on our months of August-Sept, depending on the new moon sightings.  The month of Elul begins a 30 day interspection of ourselves.  Looking for sin in our lives and casting it out.  This not only includes the "biggies", but all the little sins, too.  This month is a preparation time of meeting our Lord.  A shofar (ram's horn) is blown daily in the Hebrew culture, reminding them of this important duty of cleansing themselves.  Remember the Bible says that the Bride will "make herself ready" to meet the groom. (Rev 19:7)  She does all she can to prepare to meet him.  This could be better be described as the month of Repentance.  Repentance means to change the way you think and act.
The Month of Elul
The Month of Tishri
The month of Tishri (Sept/Oct) is the one we are all watching and waiting for!  That is the feast in which the Messiah returns! I'm not saying that THIS year is the one, as I don't believe the Pre-trib rapture is scriptural.  But I am saying that BIG things happen on Tishri 1 and this year may be no different.  The bible says that a covenant will be confirmed for "a week", or 7 years.  This COULD be the year of the confirmed covenant.  THAT is why we should watch and wait.
There are 3 final feasts during this month.  The  Day of the Blowing of Trumpets is the first one.  It happens on the First day of the month.  This is also known as Rosh Hashanah.
This is the ONLY feast where you never know the day or the hour that it will arrive. (Matt 24:36, Matt 25:13,Matt 13:32)  Remember, only by the sighting of the sliver of the new moon over Jerusalem can it be declared a new month.  So it is consistant in thought that this is the day of the LAST TRUMP.   On this day, the LAST and FINAL Trumpet gets blown. This my friend is the day that Jesus Christ returns and the dead are raised (resurrection) and we are all changed in a "twinkling of an eye". I'm sorry to tell you that there IS NO PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE COMING!  You will get to see all of it, Lord willing
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Mark Aaron Robinson: