The Library Catalog

The Tax Library is the Internet source of the cold, hard facts you need to protect your hard-earned income.

Business and personal deductions... tax-sheltered investments... real estate... tax-free income... capital gains... executive compensation... income-shifting... year-end and year-'round tax-strategies... tax-free interest... charitable contributions... estate taxes... IRAs... lump-sum payouts. These are only a small fraction of the literally hundreds of important topics covered in The Tax Library.

Now, more than ever before, it is essential you shelter as much of your income as you legally can. That's why The Tax Library is the key to building personal wealth in the years ahead. It brings you timely, definitive information and advice that helps you slash your tax bill to the bare legal minimum... discover ways to shelter, and use, more of your income... avoid trouble with the Internal Revenue Service... select the most effective tax strategies for both your business and personal affairs... take full advantage of new tax law changes... and more, much more.

Through the power of the Internet you can benefit from this rich, tax-saving help absolutely free, right in your own home -- today's best ways to reduce your tax bill and boost your personal income.

It is important to seek appropriate professional advice from a qualified tax practitioner before relying on any of the information contained in these articles. Tax laws change frequently, and specific information may be out of date by the time you use it. However, even out of date material may be valuable in generating ideas that you can use under current laws.

Names and addresses mentioned in articles posted in The Tax Library are editorial recommendations by the authors, and are not advertising for (nor are they authorized by) the firms mentioned.

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